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Cooking with Koshiki: Japanese Breakfast (Virtual class)

May 9, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

In Japan, people take breakfast seriously. If you travel to Japan and stay at a ryokan, a traditional inn, you wake up to a beautifully presented Japanese breakfast: how are small portions prepared with care for a healthy start to the day. This class will recreate just that with salted and grilled salmon, tamagoyaki (egg omelet), a simple tofu miso soup, rice, and nori.

Koshiki Smith, The Japanese Kitchen

İEs una fiesta en la casa! Cinco de Mayo Appetizers (Virtual class)

May 2, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Es una fiesta en la casa: a party at home!

Join Chef Jessica Tijerina on a Mexican culinary adventure. We will make Guacamole, Pico de Gallo, and Queso Fundido with chorizo and Oaxacan cheese. We’ll end on a sweet note with a classic Mexican bebida, Horchata- creamy rice milk with cinnamon and vanilla. İViva Mexico!

Jessica Tijerina, Tijerina Global Spices

Springtime Spiralizing (Virtual class)

April 14, 2022 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Join Chef AmyLeo as she prepares two recipes for spiralizing carrots, beets and zucchini. She will share kitchen tips to bring the wonders of spiralizing into your life. Add the perfect dressings or sauces, complimentary veggies and a dash of nuts and seeds – these spiralized wonders store well to provide quick and easy food preparation.

AmyLeo Barankovich, Vegan Affairs MN

Nourish 101: Mushroom Stroganoff (Virtual class)

April 12, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Nourish 101 classes feature basic scratch-cooking techniques and recipes that feed a family of four for under $10, or under $15 if the recipe includes meat. Learn how to make a creamy, delicious mushroom stroganoff.

Chef Jess Toliver, Jess Delicious Living

Cooking with Koshiki: Japanese Dessert (Virtual class)

April 18, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Join Koshiki in making two widely popular desserts in Japan. Sweet potato crème brulee is a rich and creamy baked dessert with a hint of sweet potato with caramelized sugar topping. Dorayaki is a moist and fluffy honey pancake with sweet red bean fillings.

Koshiki Smith, The Japanese Kitchen

Note: This class was originally scheduled for April 4. It will now be held April 18.

CANCELLED- Yellow Coconut Curry and Fluffy Rice (Virtual class)

March 28, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Join chef Jessica Tijerina as she guides you through the necessary ingredients to make a yellow curry paste from scratch using ginger, garlic, turmeric, shrimp paste and even the brightness of the citrus stalk, lemongrass. We’ll also be making a simple, no-fail recipe for fluffy rice. Vegetarian/vegan options will also be provided.

Jessica Tijerina, Tijerina Global Spices

3/28 This class has been cancelled. We apologize for the inconvenience!

Winter Root Vegetables in Spring (Virtual class) – CANCELLED

March 10, 2022 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

3/10 update- The class for tonight has been cancelled due to instructor illness. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to reschedule this class at a future time.
This time of year, we are still savoring the roots of last-year’s fall harvest. Join Chef AmyLeo as we move towards spring and make recipes using root vegetables to help us transition into lighter eating, while providing us with vital nutrition, unique textures, and familiar flavors.

AmyLeo Barankovich

Nourish 101: Curry Cauliflower Soup

March 8, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Nourish 101 classes feature basic scratch-cooking techniques and recipes that feed a family of four for under $10, or under $15 if the recipe includes meat. Learn how to make this delicious healthy curried cauliflower soup using riced cauliflower.
Chef Jess Toliver, Jess Delicious Living

Cooking with Koshiki: Salmon Teriyaki Dinner (Virtual class)

March 7, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Teriyaki is pan-fried meat or fish with soy & mirin glazing resulting in a sweet yet savory dish. This teriyaki recipe comes from Koshiki’s former restaurant using only four simple ingredients: flour, soy sauce, mirin, and ginger. On the side, we will prepare rice, miso soup, and vegetables to make a complete, well-balanced dinner.

Koshiki Smith, The Japanese Kitchen