Please note: Delivery is currently unavailable


How will my order be packed?

Your order will be packed into our standard grocery bags, separated by perishable items...

Your order will be packed into our standard grocery bags, separated by perishable items that require refrigeration and items that do not. The city ordinance requires a $.05 bag charge be applied to grocery bags. We are unable to package groceries in customers’ reusable bags.

Is there a phone number I can call if I have questions or need help placing an order online?

Yes. You can call 612-338-2465 for pickup at the Franklin store or 612-230-5595 for pick up at the Friendship store. We cannot take orders over the phone.

Yes. You can call 612-338-2465 for pickup at the Franklin store or 612-230-5595 for pick up at the Friendship store. We cannot take orders over the phone.

Can I change my order after I’ve submitted it?

We do not have the ability to change orders that have been submitted.

We do not have the ability to change orders that have been submitted.

Can I cancel my order after I’ve submitted it?

Yes, you can cancel your order at any time before payment is processed. As much notice as possible, at least 1-2 hours before the pick-up window is preferred.

Yes, you can cancel your order at any time before payment is processed. As much notice as possible, at least 1-2 hours before the pick-up window is preferred.

Can I place an order for someone else?

As long as you are able to pay or pick up the order, you may place an order for another...

As long as you are able to pay or pick up the order, you may place an order for another individual. Your phone number will be used to identify your order when you make payment over the phone and during pickup.

Who will be shopping for me?

Seward Community Co-op staff shop for all of our pickup orders as part of regularly scheduled shifts.

Seward Community Co-op staff shop for all of our pickup orders as part of regularly scheduled shifts.

How will you ensure products are handled safely?

We take product quality and safety very seriously. All orders...

We take product quality and safety very seriously. All orders that require refrigeration will stored in refrigeration units while they await pickup. Hot items are not available for online ordering for safety reasons.

Can I return items and get a refund? What if I receive a damaged item?

Seward Community Co-op accepts returns for unsatisfactory purchases. All approved returns...

Seward Community Co-op accepts returns for unsatisfactory purchases. All approved returns are eligible for exchange or credit. With receipt and product, returns may be issued in the form of the original purchase payment

Can I pay by cash or check?

At this time, we only accept credit card payments online.

At this time, we only accept credit or debit card payments online. Choose “Pay in-store” to pay with a PIN, or with cash or check.

Can I pay with a co+op gift card?

Not at this time. We only accept credit card payments online.

Not at this time. We only accept credit or debit card payments online. Choose “Pay in-store” to pay with a PIN, or with cash or check.

Can I use coupons?

We cannot accept printed coupons for online orders. We do honor regular Seward Co-op promotions and discounts...

We cannot accept printed coupons for online orders. We do honor regular Seward Co-op promotions and discounts, so you will receive the discounted prices on items currently being promoted. We are not able to give rainchecks on promotional items that are out of stock.

Can I use my Nourish discount?

Yes. Owners who receive the Nourish discount will still be able to apply the discount to online orders.

Yes. Owners who receive the Nourish discount will still be able to apply the discount to online orders.

Can I use my quarterly discount?

Yes. Owners may apply their discount to an online order.

Yes. Owners may apply their discount to an online order. Please add a note at checkout.

Can orders be paid with WIC, SNAP/EBT?

Yes, however, we are not currently able to accept payment by WIC, SNAP/EBT, or any payments requiring a PIN number online. There are limitations on....

Yes, however, we are not currently able to accept payment by WIC, SNAP/EBT, or any payments requiring a PIN number online. There are limitations on how these payment mechanisms can be used that we do not control. All WIC, SNAP/EBT, and payments requiring a PIN must be made in the store for Curbside Pickup orders only.

Can I round up my order for the SEED program?

Yes! Please add a note at checkout.

Yes. Please add a note at checkout.

Is my personal information is secure?

Seward Co-op rigorously protects all personal information. We do not share store credit card or other customer information...

Seward Co-op rigorously protects all personal information. We do not share store credit card or other customer information related to purchases for any reason. Personal information will only be used to complete your online order and to complete pickup.

Will you price match other grocery stores' online prices?

Seward Co-op bases all of our pricing on the cost of products to us, the need ...

Seward Co-op bases all of our pricing on the cost of products to us, the need to pay our staff fair wages and benefits, as well as to maintain our facilities. Our prices may or may not match the prices at other grocery stores. We work hard to have prices that are competitive and reflect the real costs of food.

Will you contact me when products I requested but were not in stock become available?

We are not able to track specific item availability for customers at this time. Product availability...

We are not able to track specific item availability for customers at this time. Product availability is especially unpredictable now due to the pandemic and its impacts on the supply chain. You can call the store periodically to inquire.

Why can’t I order a product online that is sold in the store?

We are continually adding items to the online store. While our goal is to make as many products...

We are continually adding items to the online store. While our goal is to make as many products available as possible via this platform, there will always be items with limited availability that we are not able to include.

Is there a limit on how many items I can order?

Seward Co-op is committed to sustaining a healthy community, and we encourage all of our customers to be mindful...

Seward Co-op is committed to sustaining a healthy community, and we encourage all of our customers to be mindful of your friends and neighbors who also need to eat. As we do not know the exact nature of your needs or your household, we trust all of our customers to order responsibly.

How do I know whether I will get the sales price listed in the catalog?

Please pay close attention to the “Sale ends” date listed next to items in the catalog...

Please pay close attention to the “Sale ends” date listed next to items in the catalog when you order and select a pickup date. Orders are fulfilled by co-op staff on your pickup date. If your order is fulfilled on or prior to the “sale ends” date, you will receive the promotional price listed. If your order is fulfilled after that date, you will be charged the regular retail price for that item.

What is a substitution?

Each item will present you with an option to “Allow substitution...

When you click “View cart” or the “Cart” link in the main menu you will be directed to a page that lists the items that you have added to your cart. Each item will present you with an option to “Allow substitution with best available item.” This box will be checked (selected) by default. When the substitution box is selected and the product is unavailable, Seward staff will look for the closest available replacement product. If another brand or variety is available of the same type of product, that will be selected as a substitute. If there is no alternate brand but there is a different size of the same product, that will be selected. You may click on “Add a note” if you wish to include additional information about your order for this product or preference regarding a substitution; for example “Gluten free only” or “Gala apples okay too”. Substitutions will only be made when the item you ordered is not available. If you prefer to not receive any product instead in this instance, you must unselect the check box.

How does the co-op select the items I have ordered that are sold by weight?

Items sold by weight will be fulfilled to the amount requested as closely as possible...

Items sold by weight will be fulfilled to the amount requested as closely as possible while also keeping whole units intact. For example, chicken thighs are sold in packages which may weigh slightly more or less than one pound. Please note that some whole units may vary greatly in size. If you have a specific preference for an item sold by weight that you have added to your cart you may include instructions in the “Add a note” field on the Cart page. The co-op staff person who shops your order will do their best to fulfill your request.

Why are some products available to order by quantity but sold by weight?

Some of our products in the online catalog are available to be ordered by unit (or quantity) but are sold by their weight. Bananas are a good example...

Some of our products in the online catalog are available to be ordered by unit (or quantity) but are sold by their weight. Bananas are a good example of this type of product. Individual bananas can vary greatly in size so they are sold by weight. In order to provide an idea of the price for these types of products we display an estimated price per unit in the online catalog. The estimated price factors the current price per pound and the average weight of one unit. Because we shop your order after it is placed we do not have the exact weight, and price, for those variable size items at the time you place your order. Once those items have been picked by fulfillment staff the exact weight and price is determined.

Why don’t you have more dairy-free, gluten-free, or other dietary products available online?

Our listings are based on the most popular items in our stores, with consideration of the specific dietary needs in our community...

Our listings are based on the most popular items in our stores, with consideration of the specific dietary needs in our community. At times, your favorite option may not be listed. If you wish, you can make a special request for an unlisted product in the “Additional items” area on the checkout page.

Are WIC products available?

Some WIC-approved items may be included in the online store. We are not currently able to accept payment by WIC or SNAP/EBT online...

Some WIC-approved items may be included in the online store. We are not currently able to accept payment by WIC or SNAP/EBT online. There are limitations on how these payment mechanisms can be used that we do not control, and we do not accept payment that requires a PIN number online. All WIC and SNAP/EBT payments must be made in the store for pickup orders only.

Curbside Pickup

What do I do when I arrive at my pickup location?

Please use a designated parking space in the parking lot. You will see a sign...

Please use a designated parking space in the parking lot. Call 612-416-2300 to let us know you are here and where you are parked. Let staff know the phone number that was used to place your order. We will bring your order to you and load it into your vehicle.

I don’t want to enter your store, will someone bring my order to my vehicle?

Yes. Please use a designated parking space in the parking lot. Call 612-416-2300 to let us know you are here and where you are parked...

Yes. Please use a designated parking space in the parking lot. You will see a sign stating the spot is reserved for To Go pickups. Call 612-416-2300 to let us know you are here and where you are parked. Let staff know the phone number that was used to place your order. We will bring your order to you and load it into your vehicle. Note: at this time WIC and SNAP/EBT payments must be made in the store.

The pickup times do not work for me. Can I pick up my order at another time?

We strive to offer convenient pickup times while operating grocery stores and providing the pickup service to other customers. Our flexibility is limited...

We strive to offer convenient pickup times while operating grocery stores and providing the pickup service to other customers. Our flexibility is limited in order to meet these varying needs. Please consider whether you can identify a trusted individual to collect your order if you are not able to do so within the available times.

What if I will not be able to pick up my order during my assigned pickup time, or I missed my pickup time?

If you or a trusted individual are not able to pick up your order during your pickup time, or if you missed your pickup time, call as soon as possible...

If you or a trusted individual are not able to pick up your order during your pickup time, or if you missed your pickup time, call as soon as possible to arrange a new pickup time– 612-338-2465 for pickup at the Franklin store, or 612-230-5595 for the Friendship store. Please ensure your availability to pick up your order for the date you are placing it, as orders that have not been picked up 24 hours after their assigned pickup times will be donated to a food shelf, and no refunds will be given.

Can I tip the staff person who brings my order to my car?

Seward Co-op does not allow tipping. Please consider rounding up for the SEED program instead, by adding a note at checkou.

Seward Co-op does not allow tipping. Please consider rounding up for the SEED program instead, by adding a note at checkout.

Can someone else pick up my order on my behalf?

Yes. You may be able to find a trusted individual or service that could deliver your order to you. Your phone number will be used...

Yes. You may be able to find a trusted individual or service that could deliver your order to you. Your phone number will be used to identify your order.