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Talking about Death Won’t Kill You; A Facilitated Conversation (Virtual class)

June 15, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Jeanne Bain return with this popular workshop, a facilitated conversation about your plan for death through sharing and experiential exercises. Specific examples of do’s and don’ts as well as what qualities make someone a good healthcare agent will be explored. Expect lively discussions, laughter, and support, as we discuss what we want and what we don’t want for those final days.

Jeanne Bain, M.A.; End of Life specialist, trainer and consultant

Please RSVP in advance via the Eventbrite link below. You will receive an email from Eventbrite that contains a Zoom link or phone number to join the class in advance of the class date.

“What Colors Do You Like?” children’s book reading with Bridget Riddley (Virtual class)

June 12, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Join Bridget Riddley for a reading of her children’s book, “What Colors Do You Like?” Bridget invites you to join her and the African American children and children of color in her story to explore and express the colors you like!

Bridget is an educator for children who have special needs. Her journey of writing children books came from her love of creating and adapting teaching materials to help students that learn differently. Being visually impaired and independent, Bridget has created ways to move through life with little to no assistance from others. Her first book is about colors because colors help her move effortlessly through this world. “I am always amazed at all the beautiful colors I see on a daily basis. This book is fun, beautiful and a great learning tool.”

You can purchase a copy of “What Colors Do You Like?” at the Seward Co-op, on sale for 15% off June 2nd – 15th.

Bridget Riddley, children’s book author

Please RSVP in advance via the Eventbrite link below. You will receive an email from Eventbrite that contains a Zoom link or phone number to join the class in advance of the class date.

Board of Directors July Meeting

July 27, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Meetings of Seward Co-op’s Board of Directors are open to any co-op owner. The next monthly board meeting is virtual and will be held Tuesday, July 27. The meeting will include a 10-minute Co-op Owners Comment Period. The board of directors planned this in response to community members’ requests to address the board. Individual time allotment is dependent on number of owners who wish to speak. Agenda is available here. To indicate your intention to attend and/or participate in the Co-op Owners Comment Period, please email board@seward.coop prior to July 27.

Seward Co-op’s Board of Directors is comprised of nine elected co-op owners who serve the co-op for three-year terms. The board typically meets 9-10 times a year on the last Tuesday of the month, at 6:15 p.m. The co-op’s board of directors appreciates hearing from you! They are available to answer questions and provide information about cooperative governance.

Board of Directors June Meeting

June 29, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Meetings of Seward Co-op’s Board of Directors are open to any co-op owner. The next board meeting is virtual and will be held Tuesday, June 29. Co-op owners are welcome to observe and an advance RSVP is politely requested. The meeting will include a 10-minute Co-op Owners Comment Period. The board of directors planned this in response to community members’ requests to address the board. Individual time allotment is dependent on number of owners who wish to speak. Agenda is available here. To indicate your intention to attend and/or participate in the Co-op Owners Comment Period, please email board@seward.coop prior to June 29. This will allow us to provide you the virtual meeting link.

Seward Co-op’s Board of Directors is comprised of nine elected co-op owners who serve the co-op for three-year terms. The board typically meets 9-10 times a year on the last Tuesday of the month, at 6:15 p.m. The co-op’s board of directors appreciates hearing from you! They are available to answer questions and provide information about cooperative governance.

Board of Directors May Meeting

June 1, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Meetings of Seward Co-op’s Board of Directors are open to any co-op owner. The next board meeting is virtual and will be held Tuesday, June 1. Technically this is the May board meeting, to be held one week later in recognition of the anniversary of George Floyd’s murder. The June 1 meeting will include a 10-minute Co-op Owners Comment Period; individual time allotment is dependent on number of owners who wish to speak. Agenda is available here. Co-op owners are welcome to observe and an advance RSVP is politely requested. To indicate your intention to attend and/or participate in the Co-op Owners Comment Period, please email board@seward.coop prior to June 1. This will allow us to provide you the virtual meeting link.

Seward Co-op’s Board of Directors is comprised of nine elected co-op owners who serve the co-op for three-year terms. The board typically meets 9-10 times a year on the last Tuesday of the month, at 6:15 p.m. The co-op’s board of directors appreciates hearing from you! They are available to answer questions and provide information about cooperative governance.

Seward Co-op Store Signage Focus Group (Virtual)- Oromo

May 18, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Akkam jirtan yaa miseensa keenya!

Seward Co-op horii hawaasaati, kan kuusa mi’aa guutuu iddoo lama kibba Minneapolis keysaa qabu. Kaayoon teenya fayya qabeenya hawaasaa deeggaruudha. Mallattoo haaraya irratti hojachaa jirra akka warri kuusa mi’aa kana waa irraa bitatu, laaftumatti arkatuuf. Akeekni yaada kanaa akka mallattoon mi’aa Afaan Ingiliffaa fi yaada isaa qofa hin taaneefi. Kaayoo tana bakkaan gayuuf, koreen xiyyeeffannaa walgayii walfaanaa hawaasa keenyaa waliin godhuun yaada isaanii walitti qabuu qaban. Waldayni walgayii walfaanaa jaha tan namni haga tokko irraa qooda fudhatu qopheese. Yoo akkam xiqqaatte, Afaan walgayiin walfaanaa tun mijjeyfamtuun Afaan Amaaraa, Hmong, Oromoo, Ispaanish, Soomaalee, ifii Ingliffaa dha.

Yaaboo nu gargaari hawaasa keenya keessaa nama fadhinnaa walgayii akkanaa iirraa qooda fudhachuu barbaadu yoo beyte. Warra hawaasa nuti hojjannuuf kana calaqqisu barbaanna. Nama hunda ni dhiheysina – keysaafuu warra Afaa Amhaaraa, Hmong, Oromoo, Soomaalee, ifii/ykn Ispaanish dubbatu. Walgayiin takkittiin haga sa’aa takkaati..

Warri walgayii irraa qooda fudhate ***$50 Kaardii Seward Co-op *** qabdu argatan.

Dhaamsa kana nuuf ni dabarsita ykn nama ati beytu gara keenya erguu ni dandeysaa? Atilleen qooda irraa fudhachuu ni dandeysa. Guyyaaleen irraa qooda fudhachuu dandeysu armaan gad jira. Kan irraa qooda fudhachuu barbaaddu xuqiitii if galmeysi

• Walgayii 1 (Afaan Ingiliffaa): 4/27, 6 – 7 p.m.

• Walgayii 2 (Afaan Ispaanish): 4/28, 6 – 7 p.m.

• Walgayii 3 (Afaan Hmong): 4/29, 6 – 7 p.m.

• Walgayii 6 (Afaan Amaaraa): 5/13 , 6 – 7 p.m.

• Walgayii 5 (AfaanSoomaalee): 5/17, 6 – 7 p.m.

• Walgayii 4 (Afaan Oromoo): 5/18, 6 – 7 p.m.

Yoo ati ykn namni ati beytu irraa qooda fudhachuu barbaaddan, yooboo:

a.) if galmeysi walgayii afaan hedduu siif mijjaawuu laalii akkasumaa/ykn

b.) dhaamsa kana nama fadhinnaa qabutti dabarsi!

Hojii tana nuu wajji itti yaaduu keetiif hedduu galatoomaa!

Seward Co-op Store Signage Focus Group (Virtual)- Somali

May 17, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Waad salaaman tihiin, xubnaha bulshada!

Seward Co-op waa iskaashato ay leeyihiin bulshadu oo maamusha dukaan adeeg buuxa oo leh oo laba goobood uga yaal Koonfurta Minneapolis. Hadafkeenu waa sii wadida bulsho caafimaad qabta. Waxaan ka shaqeyneynay calaamadaha cusub ee dukaanka ee loogu talagalay in lagu caawiyo dadka wax iibsanaya si ay u helaan badeecadaha iyo adeegyada ay ka raadinayaan dukaamadeenna. Ujeeddada mashruucu waa in la hirgeliyo calaamado ku qornaa Ingiriisiga, laguna qoro luqado kale, si sahlanna loo fulin karo. Tanoo qeyb ka ah geeddi-socodkan, waxaan dooneynaa inaan martigelinno kulanno lagu ogaanayo fikirka bulshada si aan uga soo uruurinno ra’yi-celintooda ku aadan shaqadeenna. Iskaashatadu waxay dejisay lix kulan oo leh tiro kooban oo ka qeyb-galayaal ah halkii kulanba. Ugu yaraan mid kamid ah kulamadaan waxaa lagu hadli doonaa luuqadaha Amxaariga, Hmong-gaha, Afka Oromada, Afka Isbaanishka, Soomaali iyo Ingiriisi.

Waxaan doonaynaa inaan ogaanno haddii aad naga caawin karto inaan ka helno qaar ka mid ah dad bulshadeena ka tirsan oo xiiseynaya ka-qaybgalka kulamadan. Waxaan raadineynaa shaqsiyaad ka tarjumaya kala duwanaanta xaafadaha aan u adeegno. Waxaan soo dhaweyneynaa qof walba – gaar ahaan kuwa ku hadla Amxaariga, Hmong-gaha, Afka Oromada, Soomaaliga, iyo/ama Isbaanishka. Kulan kasta wuxuu qaadan doontaa qiyaastii 1 saac.

Waxaan siin doonnaa ***kaarka hadiyaddda dukaanka Seward Co-op ah oo ay ku jirto $50*** qof kasta oo ka qayb qaata kulanka.

Diyaar ma u tahay inaad akhbaarta kulankaan u gudbiso qof kale ama aad kula talisid in uu ka qeybgalo? Sidoo kale adiguna waan jeclaan lahayn inaad ka soo qeybgashid. Hoos, waa taariikhaha kulanka la qaban doono. Riix kulanka si aad iskugu diiwaan geliso websaydka Eventbrite.

• Kulanka 1aad (waxaa lagu hadlayaa af Ingiriis): 4/27, 6 – 7pm (Galabnimo)

• Kulanka 2aad (waxaa lagu hadlayaa afka Isbaanishka): 4/28, 6 – 7pm (Galabnimo)

• Kulanka 3aad (waxaa lagu hadlayaa Afka Hmong-gaha): 4/29, 6 – 7pm (Galabnimo)

• Kalfadhiga 4aad (waxaa loo fududeeyey af-amxaari): 5/13, 6 – 7pm (Galabnimo)

• Kalfadhiga 5aad (waxaa lagu hadlayaa Af-Soomaali): 5/17, 6 – 7pm (Galabnimo)

• Kulanka 6aad (waxaa lagu hadlayaa afka Oromada): 5/18, 6 – 7pm (Galabnimo)

Haddii adiga ama qof aad taqaanid uu xiiseyneyso inuu ka soo qeybgalo kulamadaan, fadlan:

a.) Isku diiwaan geli kulanka luqadda kuu salan iyo/ama

b.) U gudbi akhbaarta kulan qof kale oo danaynaya inuu ka soo qeybgalo!

Aad baad ugu mahadsantahay tixgelintaada!

Seward Co-op Store Signage Focus Group (Virtual)- Amharic

May 13, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

ሰላም ፣ የማህበረሰብ አባላት!

ሲወርድ ኮ-ኦፕ በደቡብ ሚኒያፖልስ ውስጥ በሁለት ቦታዎች ላይ ያለ ንብረትነቱ የማህበረሰብ የሆነ፣ ባለ ሙሉ አገልግሎት የሰቀጣ ሸቀጥ መደብር ነው። ተልዕኳችን ጤናማ ማህበረሰብን ማስቀጠል ነው። ሸማቾች በእኛ መደብሮች ውስጥ የሚፈልጉትን ምርቶች እና አገልግሎቶች እንዲያገኙ ለማገዝ ዲዛይን የተደረገ አዲስ የመደብር ምልክቶችን እየሠራን ነበር። የፕሮጀክቱ ዓላማ በእንግሊዝኛ ላይ ብዙም ጥገኛ ያልሆነ እና የሚነገር ቋንቋ ምንም ይሁን ምን፣ የሰውን ስሜት የሚገልጹ ምልክቶችን መተግበር ነው። የሂደት አካል በማድረግ፣ በሥራችን ላይ ግብረመልስ ለመሰብሰብ ተከታታይ የትኩረት ቡድኖች ውይይቶችን ከህብረተሰቡ አባላት ጋር ማዘጋጀት እንፈልጋለን። ኮ-ኦፕ በአንድ ስብሰባ ውስን ተሳታፊዎችን በመያዝ ስድስት ስብሰባዎችን አዘጋጅቷል። ከእነዚህ ስብሰባዎች መካከል ቢያንስ አንዱ በአማርኛ ፣ በህሞንግ ፣ በኦሮሚኛ ፣ በስፓኒኛ ፣ በሶማልኛ እና በእንግሊዝኛ ቋንቋዎች የሚመቻች ይሆናል።

ለመሳተፍ ፍላጎት ሊኖራቸው የሚችሉ አንዳንድ የህብረተሰብ ክፍሎችን በማገናኘት ሊረዱን ይችሉ እንደሆነ እያሰብኩ ነው። የምናገለግላቸውን ጎሮበቶች ብዝሃነትን የሚያንፀባርቁ ግለሰቦችን እንፈልጋለን። ማንንም እንቀበላለን – በተለይም አማርኛ ፣ ህሞንግ ፣ ኦሮሚኛ ፣ ሶማሊኛ እና/ወይም ስፓኒኛ የሚናገሩትን። እያንዳንዱ የትኩረት ቡድን ውይይት 1 ሰዓት ያህል ይወስዳል።

ለእያንዳንዱ የሚሳተፍ ግለሰብ ***የ $50 ሲወርድ ኮ-ኦፕ ስጦታ ካርድ*** እንሰጣለን።

ይህንን ለሌላ ለማስተላለፍ ወይም አንድን ሰው ለእኛ ለመጠቆም ፈቃደኛ ይሆናሉ? እርስዎም እራስዎ ለመሳተፍ ይችላሉ። ከዚህ በታች ያለው፣ ያለሉን ቀናት ናቸው። በ Eventbrite ላይ ለመመዝገብ ስብሰባ ላይ ጠቅ ያድርጉ።

ስብሰባ 1 (በእንግሊዝኛ የተመቻቸ): 4/27፣ 6 – 7 p.m.

ስብሰባ 2 (በስፓኒኛ የተመቻቸ)፡ 4/28፣ ከ 6 – 7 p.m።

ስብሰባ 3 (በህሞንግ የተመቻቸ)፡ 4/29፣ ከ 6 – 7 p.m።

ስብሰባ 4 (በአማርኛ የተመቻቸ)፡ 5/13፣ ከ 6 – 7 p.m።

ስብሰባ 5 (በሶማልኛ የተመቻቸ)፡ 5/17፣ ከ 6 – 7 p.m።

ስብሰባ 6 (በኦሮምኛ የተመቻቸ)፡ 5/18፣ ከ 6 – 7 p.m።

እርስዎ ወይም አንድ የሚያውቁት ሰው ፍላጎት ካለው እና መሳተፍ ከቻሉ እባክዎን:

ሀ) በጣም በሚመችዎት ቋንቋ ለስብሰባው ይመዝገቡ እና/ወይም

ለ.) ፍላጎት ላለው ሰው ይህንን ያስተላልፉ!

ከግምት ውስጥ ስላስገቡ በጣም እናመሰግናለን!