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A view of the exterior of the Seward Co-op Franklin store

Franklin Renovation Updates

The Franklin store is now nearly 15 years old, and it needs significant upgrades and repairs. Because of this, we are planning a major renovation of the sales floor in the summer of 2023. One of the primary goals of the renovation is to provide a completely new and improved experience for co-op customers and…

A graphic with a periwinkle background and small green illustrations that reads "Microgreens" in the center


Growing Healthy Communities Starts Small At Seward Co-op, everyone is welcome. Each day, we strive to make our shoppers feel safe, appreciated, and seen. For those co-op patrons caring for little ones at home, we’re happy to introduce and invite you to a new program built just for you and your young cooperators. Welcome to…

General Manager Ray Williams and Board President LaDonna Sanders Redmond smiling at the 2023 CSA Fair

CSA Fair

The end of April marks the return of Seward Co-op’s free annual Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Fair! We’re excited to host farmers–and welcome supporters!–on Saturday, April 27, 2024 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. in the Seward Co-op Creamery building parking lot at 2601 E. Franklin Ave. To prepare for the CSA portion of the…

Tami Bauers

Tami has spent her adult life working around food, co-ops, and education. Working with retail food co-ops for almost three decades developed her passionate commitment to the cooperative business model, which allows people to have their most basic needs met through their own determination, collaboration, and ownership. Tami has worked for and with dozens of…

Moses Viveros

Moses (they/them/theirs) is a Community Food Systems Practitioner. They originally come from Chicago, where they received their BA in Sustainability Studies at Roosevelt University and then completed their MA in Food Studies and MBA at Chatham University in Pittsburgh. They have extensive experience working with a variety of start-ups, movements, organizations, and nonprofits that are…

Claire Purvey Houston

Claire Purvey Houston Bookkeeper One of the many things I’ve learned in the past two years is there is a steep learning curve to being a board member, and to function within that to create a united front. We’ve all had a couple years of unprecedented ups and downs, and there is more I can…

Moses Viveros

Moses Viveros Market Manager – NATIFS Food has the power to bring people together, foster community, and allow us to dream of a liberated future. As a Community Food Systems Practitioner, these are all things that I have seen manifest in community-owned spaces like Seward Co-op. I am running for the board because I believe…

Jeffrey Swainhart

Jeffrey Swainhart Contractor/Carpenter We live in unprecedented times as our society deals with its collective and continuing traumas. Seward Co-op is a treasured community asset that can lead by example while the greater society (hopefully) reorganizes itself around the values of equity, environment and social responsibility. It is up to us to do this work.…

LaDonna Sanders Redmond

LaDonna Sanders Redmond Organizational Development Consultant I am motivated to run for Seward Co-op’s board because I am convinced we need cooperatives more than ever. In a world that has rapidly devolved into polarization, it is imperative that cooperatives like Seward light a path toward cooperation. Seward is supported by owners and customers who shop…

Samuel Simmons

Samuel Simmons Behavioral Consultant I have been motivated to run for Seward Co-op’s board after seeing and experiencing the benefits of having Seward co-op as part of the community. I want to participate more actively in Seward Co-op’s socially responsible food practices. I feel my over 32-year of experience as a behavioral consultant with unique…