Tami Bauers

Tami has spent her adult life working around food, co-ops, and education. Working with retail food co-ops for almost three decades developed her passionate commitment to the cooperative business model, which allows people to have their most basic needs met through their own determination, collaboration, and ownership.

Tami has worked for and with dozens of retail food co-ops as well as National Co+op Grocers, Midwest Food Connection, Columinate, and Cooperative Development Services. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from the University of Minnesota and recently completed a Certificate in Co-operative Management from The International Centre for Co-operative Management at Saint Mary’s University.

She is currently self-employed as a cooperative project manager. While Seward Franklin is her home store, she enjoys shopping at the many co-ops we are fortunate to have in Minnesota, as well as dragging her family to any co-op they come across on vacation.