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Lub Khw Muag Khoom Noj Seward Co-op Tsom Pawg – Hmoob

Nyob zoo, cov neeg zej zog sawv daws! Seward Co-op yog tsim los pab rau neeg zej zog sawv daws li, muaj ob lub khw muag khoom noj uas lawv yuav (pab sawv daws) nyob rau hauv South Minneapolis. Peb lub zeem muag yog kom lub zej lub zos noj qab nyob zoo thiab huv…  Read More

Spice It Up! (Virtual Class)

Learn how to use culinary herbalism to elevate your mental health. We think about teas, tinctures and salves as herbal medicine, but we have a pharmacy in our spice cabinet ready to impart healing benefits to every dish. Herbs and spices reduce inflammation in the body and provide nutrients to fuel a positive mood, cognitive…  Read More

Es una Fiesta en La Casa – Cinco de Mayo Appetizers (Virtual Class)

Es una fiesta en la casa: a party at home! Join Chef Jessica Tijerina on a Mexican culinary adventure. We will make Guacamole, Pico de Gallo, and Queso Fundido with chorizo and Oaxacan cheese. We’ll end on a sweet note with a classic Mexican bebida, Horchata- creamy rice milk with cinnamon and vanilla. İViva Mexico!…  Read More

Cooking with Koshiki: Hiyashiki Chuka (Virtual Class)

Koshiki’s children ask for Hiyashichuka as soon as the weather warms up: chilled curly wheat noodle topped with cucumber, carrots, tomato, eggs, and chilled and shredded chicken (or substitute tofu) drizzled with refreshing sesame vinaigrette. Most of all, this salad-like noodle dish has well-balanced ingredients (grain, vegetable, protein, seeds, egg), a balance of flavor elements…  Read More

Seed Saving 101 with North Circle Seeds (Virtual class)

Join Zachary Paige, organic plant breeder who resides in Northern MN for a two-part series about seed saving basics. Zachary is the proprietor of North Circle Seeds, a certified organic vegetable seed company committed to creating an ecologically diverse, equitable, and inclusive food system. NCS does this through an intentional relationship with our seeds and…  Read More

Seward Co-op Store Signage Focus Group (Virtual)- Amharic

ሰላም ፣ የማህበረሰብ አባላት! ሲወርድ ኮ-ኦፕ በደቡብ ሚኒያፖልስ ውስጥ በሁለት ቦታዎች ላይ ያለ ንብረትነቱ የማህበረሰብ የሆነ፣ ባለ ሙሉ አገልግሎት የሰቀጣ ሸቀጥ መደብር ነው። ተልዕኳችን ጤናማ ማህበረሰብን ማስቀጠል ነው። ሸማቾች በእኛ መደብሮች ውስጥ የሚፈልጉትን ምርቶች እና አገልግሎቶች እንዲያገኙ ለማገዝ ዲዛይን የተደረገ አዲስ የመደብር ምልክቶችን እየሠራን ነበር። የፕሮጀክቱ ዓላማ በእንግሊዝኛ ላይ ብዙም ጥገኛ ያልሆነ እና የሚነገር ቋንቋ…  Read More

Making the Most of Spring Asparagus (Virtual Class)

As with many vegetables, asparagus is chock full of flavor, minerals, and vitamins while offering up notable protein. We can help asparagus shine in delicious ways; either as a stand-alone modest side or a savory addition to grains, legumes and other veggies. Chef AmyLeo will demonstrate how to slice, dice, sear and bake this gorgeous…  Read More

Seward Co-op Store Signage Focus Group (Virtual)- Somali

Waad salaaman tihiin, xubnaha bulshada! Seward Co-op waa iskaashato ay leeyihiin bulshadu oo maamusha dukaan adeeg buuxa oo leh oo laba goobood uga yaal Koonfurta Minneapolis. Hadafkeenu waa sii wadida bulsho caafimaad qabta. Waxaan ka shaqeyneynay calaamadaha cusub ee dukaanka ee loogu talagalay in lagu caawiyo dadka wax iibsanaya si ay u helaan badeecadaha iyo…  Read More

Seward Co-op Store Signage Focus Group (Virtual)- Oromo

Akkam jirtan yaa miseensa keenya! Seward Co-op horii hawaasaati, kan kuusa mi’aa guutuu iddoo lama kibba Minneapolis keysaa qabu. Kaayoon teenya fayya qabeenya hawaasaa deeggaruudha. Mallattoo haaraya irratti hojachaa jirra akka warri kuusa mi’aa kana waa irraa bitatu, laaftumatti arkatuuf. Akeekni yaada kanaa akka mallattoon mi’aa Afaan Ingiliffaa fi yaada isaa qofa hin taaneefi. Kaayoo…  Read More

Fresh Spring Rolls with Peanut Sauce (Virtual Class)

Join Maiv Mos as she shows you how to make Fresh Spring Rolls with Peanut Sauce, a delicious snack she grew up eating. Spring rolls are packed with a ton of veggies and are perfect for spring weather. Maiv Mos Yang, Seward Co-op Please RSVP in advance via the Eventbrite link below. You will receive…  Read More