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Searched for: 591

Amplifying Voices of Farmers: Past Farmer Talks

Seward Co-op’s CSA Fair brings together farmers and consumers. There, not only can consumers purchase a share directly from a farmer, but we also connect with farmers to learn about their triumphs and struggles in the fields. Through past fairs, we have literally amplified local farmers’ voices by passing them the mic to reflect on…

Black History Month banner

Honor Black History with Seward Co-op

Sustain Black-Owned Businesses at Seward Co-op Celebrate Black and African-American-owned businesses year-round! We are honored to stock our stores with a multitude of food and personal care products that sustain inclusively-owned businesses. Our Ends Statement is rooted in equitable economic relationships, positive environmental impacts, and inclusive, socially responsible practices. Although we know that alone we…

bright photo of a black bean burger

Super Bowl Savings with Nourish Recipes

Game Day is a time to gather with tasty snacks and good company. For those planning to watch the big game, or for those who just want a few new shareable snacks, we’ve got some ideas for feeding your group using Nourish recipes! Nourish vegetarian recipes feed four people for $10, and Nourish recipes with…

Celebrate 50 Years of Seward Co-op!

Seward Co-op opened its doors on a dreary winter day in 1972, during a time when food prices were sky-rocketing, faith in government was at a low point, and civil rights issues were at the forefront of evolving social movements. The world seemed increasingly fragile, alienating, and volatile, and people responded by participating in grassroots…