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Notice of Candidate Withdrawal

Many Seward Co-op owners received a paper election brochure and ballot in the mail. Note that Addie Davis is no longer a candidate for the designated employee director seat. Please cast a vote for another designated employee director candidate accordingly.


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Kameron Lindsey

Kameron Lindsey Environmental Technician/Equity Advocate Seward Co-op is very important to me and I believe in the principles behind the Ends Statement. Having struggled in recent years with my own health, I realize the importance of food as medicine and rely on Seward as a place I feel welcomed, supported, and can find healthy food.…

Vendor Resources

As a cooperative, we exist to meet the needs of our community with two full-service grocery stores and a café. We strive to offer products requested by co-op owners and other community members. We prioritize: Products that meet unique needs in our community (such as WIC-allowed foods, international cuisines, gluten free, halal, vegan, etc.); Organic…

Sally Nixon

Sally is a believer in the cooperative model, and is interested in the success of food co-ops with regard to the historical development and maintenance of cooperatives that were initially created to be in service of communities in sustainable and equitable ways. Sally is passionate about supporting Seward Co-op in responding to the current social,…

Cassandra Meyer

Cassandra Meyer Engineer A lifelong frequenter of Minneapolis co-ops, I’m a regular shopper at the Franklin store. I support our co-op over alternatives because of Seward’s Ends Statement and the social and environmental values the co-op promotes. I’m grateful for my years serving on the board. I’d love to continue for another term. As an…

Jill Krueger

Jill Krueger is an attorney with the Network for Public Health Law, and has a background in agricultural law. She often works at the intersection of farm policy, healthy eating, and sustainability. Jill first set foot in a food co-op during college, and likes to seek out co-ops when she travels. Serving on Seward Co-op’s…


Staff Discount Employees receive a 15% discount on food, a 25% discount on wellness products, and at the Seward Co-op Creamery Cafe. These discounts extend to your live-in partner and dependents, as well.