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Searched for: 842
A green tree

Culina Yogurt Recall

Culina has issued a recall of certain yogurt products due to the possibility of glass fragments in certain lots produced by Ponder Foods. Seward Co-op does not currently have any affected product that matches the use-by dates or lot numbers, but affected products may have been sold in the last 90 days. The following products…

Food for the People

Food for the People Minneapolis, MN CSA Type: Mutual aid The Food for the People program was founded in the spring of 2020, a month before the murder of George Floyd and the subsequent uprising. The program was founded as a collaboration between grassroots based, radical food movement: Divine Natural Ancestry and local, immigrant farmer-owned…

Co-op Conversations: Exploring the intersection of racial, social, and food justice

The event series “Co-op Conversations: Exploring the intersection of racial, social, and food justice” is a community engagement and class series collaboratively presented by Eastside Food Co-op, Mississippi Market Food Co-op, Seward Community Co-op, The Wedge, and Linden Hills Co-op as a way to examine and connect our cooperative values with social justice movements. We…

Nourish 101: Tempeh BLTs (Virtual class)

February 22, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Nourish 101 classes feature basic scratch-cooking techniques and recipes that feed a family of four for under $10. We’ll make tasty plant-based tempeh BLTs with Chef Jess! Chef Jess Toliver with Jess Delicious Living