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Claire Purvey Houston

Claire Purvey Houston Bookkeeper One of the many things I’ve learned in the past two years is there is a steep learning curve to being a board member, and to function within that to create a united front. We’ve all had a couple years of unprecedented ups and downs, and there is more I can…

Jeffrey Swainhart

Jeffrey Swainhart Contractor/Carpenter We live in unprecedented times as our society deals with its collective and continuing traumas. Seward Co-op is a treasured community asset that can lead by example while the greater society (hopefully) reorganizes itself around the values of equity, environment and social responsibility. It is up to us to do this work.…

green garden bakery kids selling food

Green Garden Bakery

Green Garden Bakery Minneapolis, MN CSA Type: Vegetable-based baked goods Drop Locations: n/a, delivery Green Garden Bakery is a totally youth-run business based out of North Minneapolis. They make vegetable-based desserts that are both healthy and delicious. They grow their own vegetables, bake them into treats, and sell them throughout the Twin Cities year-round. 1/3…