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Cooking with Koshiki: Japanese Dessert (Virtual class)

April 18, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Join Koshiki in making two widely popular desserts in Japan. Sweet potato crème brulee is a rich and creamy baked dessert with a hint of sweet potato with caramelized sugar topping. Dorayaki is a moist and fluffy honey pancake with sweet red bean fillings.

Koshiki Smith, The Japanese Kitchen

Note: This class was originally scheduled for April 4. It will now be held April 18.

Co-op Farm Tour

July 10, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Save the Date for the Co-op Farm Tour!
Saturday, July 10 from 10 am–4 pm

Explore local sustainable and organic farms as they open their doors for a day full of fun, learning, and discovery brought to you by your local food co-ops. This year 20 urban and rural farms are offering exciting activities such as farm goods for sale, farming demonstrations, u-pick berries, and more. It’s a free, self-guided event, so no need to sign up!

For more information visit www.coopfarmtour.com or find guidebooks available in our stores. Please check the farm tour website regularly for updates about this event.

Nourish 101: Kenyan Collard Greens with Turkey (Virtual class)

November 22, 2020 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Nourish 101 classes feature basic scratch-cooking techniques and recipes that feed a family of four for under $10 . Learn more about Seward Co-op’s Nourish program here.

Join Addie from Seward Co-op in making a meal she grew up eating – collard greens and turkey! This affordable recipe is healthy and delicious.

Addie Davis, Seward Co-op Community Engagement Specialist

FREE – You will receive a Zoom link and recipe before the day of the class.

Food and Your Mood (Virtual class)

November 2, 2020 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

What – and how – you eat will impact much more than just your physical body. Food and your mood are more connected than you may think! Anxiety, depression, memory, stress, and attention are all influenced by what you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner (and anything in between). Understanding the interactions between what we eat, how we feel and what we think or feel empowers us to care for ourselves body, mind and spirit. Jesse Haas, functional nutritionist and co-founder of Wellness Minneapolis, will share some doable strategies for uplifting mental wellbeing in a time when maintaining a positive outlook is a daily struggle.

Jesse Haas, CNS, LN; Wellness Minneapolis

Free virtual class- Please RSVP in advance. You will receive a Zoom link before the day of the class.

Nourish 101: Black Dal Lentils and Coconut Rice

January 7, 2020 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Nourish 101 classes feature basic scratch-cooking techniques and recipes that feed a family of four for under $10. We’ll make a delicious winter meal of black dal lentils and coconut rice.

Jessica Toliver, Jess Delicious

$5; Receive a $5 gift card at the class