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Halloween Fun Seward Co-op Style

Halloween time calls for fun! This year, shop your values without sacrificing the fun. At Seward Co-op we have supplies and tasty treats to help you get ready for Halloween! Whip up some easy fun with our suggested recipes, Community Foods  products, and Seward-made treats that are sure to satisfy.

Intro to Soap Making

November 6, 2019 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Learn soap making from one of Seward Co-op’s most popular soap vendors! In this demonstration class, students will be shown soap making using the cold process method. Each student receives an instruction manual and takes home five bars of soap ($25 retail). John Hanson, Seward Soap $30/$25 co-op owners

Festive Fermented Beverages

November 1, 2019 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Learn how to ferment delicious fizzy beverages at home! This workshop focuses on learning the basics of making live, fermented beverages at home. We will learn about why it’s good for the body, what happens in fermentation, and how to do it. By capturing and propagating the “Ginger Bug,” participants will be able to make…  Read More


One way Seward Co-op lives its Ends Statement to “sustain a healthy community” is through robust community grants. The SEED program is a simple yet powerful community giving opportunity that allows customers to “round-up” their grocery bill for recipient organizations that share our commitment to a healthy community. Each year, a staff led committee selects…

Friendship Store

In June 2013, Seward Community Co-op announced its second store. By the following July, co-op owners invested $2.5 million into the project. The Friendship store opened in October 2015. The achievement of the Friendship store belongs to all of us in the co-op community and we celebrate not just the money that was invested but…

Franklin Store

Seward Community Co-op opened in 1972 on the corner of 22nd and Franklin avenues, with a core group of volunteers and a small selection of primarily Bulk products. With steady growth through the mid-1990s, Seward Co-op built a new store at 2111 E. Franklin Ave., which was opened in 1998. In 2005, the co-op planned…


From beauty trends to supplements you depend on, our welcoming, knowledgeable staff can help you navigate options. Explore our hair and beauty products, selected with community in mind. Our wide selection is enhanced by special ordering, so you can always find what you’re looking for at Seward Co-op.


Seward Co-op opened in 1972, and most of the store offerings were bulk! Decades later, providing bulk options remains a pillar of our store. Reuse containers and pick up only the amount you need for your recipe, cutting costs and food waste by shopping Bulk. Our Bulk section includes baking products, snacks, nuts, and granola–as…