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Searched for: 714
dried orange slices on white parchment paper

Preserving Seasonal Citrus for Winter Wellness

Winter is citrus season! As we progress to warmer months and longer days, make the most of the rotating citrus fruits Seward Co-op has to offer from the Produce Department. Here are a few ways to prolong the magic of this delicious, zesty, juice-filled season for winter wellness and comfort.

Two women holding up peace signs with text overlay that reads "Support BIPOC, women, and LGBTQ+-led small businesses"

Sweet Troo Vi

Sweet Troo Vi’s mission is “Eat Deliciously. Love Freely.” They exemplify this by giving back to their community with their cookies.

Celebrate 50 Years of Seward Co-op!

Seward Co-op opened its doors on a dreary winter day in 1972, during a time when food prices were sky-rocketing, faith in government was at a low point, and civil rights issues were at the forefront of evolving social movements. The world seemed increasingly fragile, alienating, and volatile, and people responded by participating in grassroots…

two people wearing masks holding halved citruses

Dive into Winter Citrus Season

We’ve officially made it past the winter solstice, and that alone is a reason for rejoicing! Along with a little bit of extra daylight, we also usher in the peak of citrus season. Along with more sun in the sky, bright, juicy fruit are arriving at the co-op each day. Let us share some of…

person giving a thumbs-up standing next to a "masks are required" sign

COVID-19 Mask Update – Jan. 2022

As a cooperative with two grocery stores, Seward Co-op plays an essential role in the community. COVID-19 guidelines like social distancing and wearing masks have become a part of everyday life. We have maintained our ability to keep the doors open and provide goods and nourishing foods throughout these challenging times in large part because…