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Searched for: 921

2022 Patronage Refund: Benefit of Co-op Ownership

We are pleased to share the good news that the Board of Directors has declared a patronage refund for the fiscal year that ended on June 30, 2022. This is our first patronage refund since 2015. One of the key differences between cooperatives and corporations is what we do with profit. Broadly speaking, we use…

sunscreens in grass

Stock up for Summer Adventures

Take care of your body inside and out with snacks and skincare this summer! Seward Co-op’s knowledgeable staff is always available to suggest solutions from food to skincare and more. Bulk Snacks Fuel up for your next adventure with packable snacks in our Bulk aisle! From ready-made trail mixes and bites of energy to dried…

Amplifying Voices of Farmers: Past Farmer Talks

Seward Co-op’s CSA Fair brings together farmers and consumers. There, not only can consumers purchase a share directly from a farmer, but we also connect with farmers to learn about their triumphs and struggles in the fields. Through past fairs, we have literally amplified local farmers’ voices by passing them the mic to reflect on…

Ellsworth Cooperative Creamery

Learn About Ellsworth Cooperative Creamery Ellsworth Cooperative Creamery is based in the Heart of Wisconsin’s Dairyland in the town of Ellsworth — known as the “Cheese Curd Capital of Wisconsin.” The cooperative was founded in 1910 and primarily made butter and had chickens for laying eggs. After many innovations and expansions, they transitioned to making…

dried orange slices on white parchment paper

Preserving Seasonal Citrus for Winter Wellness

Winter is citrus season! As we progress to warmer months and longer days, make the most of the rotating citrus fruits Seward Co-op has to offer from the Produce Department. Here are a few ways to prolong the magic of this delicious, zesty, juice-filled season for winter wellness and comfort.