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Kate Seybold

Kate works for the Minnesota Department of Agriculture as the Farm to Institution Coordinator, supporting institutional market development for Minnesota grown and raised foods. In this role, she coordinates statewide Farm to School programming, training, technical support aimed at increasing local food purchasing and food/agriculture education in schools. She also works closely with partners to support…

FAQ About Articles and Bylaws Proposals

In order to keep the co-op’s articles and bylaws up to date, the Board of Directors endorses four articles and bylaws proposals on the 2020 ballot. A full description of the proposals and complete mark ups are available here. Below, find frequently asked questions.

Claire Purvey Houston

Claire Purvey Houston Bookkeeper As an employee of 12 years at Seward Co-op I care deeply for the business, the workers, and the community we serve. I’d like to carry my knowledge and experience onto the board to assist in the ongoing evolution of our cooperative. I’ve worked in the Finance department my entire tenure…

Brit Miller

Brit Miller Customer Service I’m Brit, my pronouns are they/them/theirs/ she/her/hers, I’m bi and nonbinary and I’ve worked at the Friendship store since 2016. Previous to working at Seward, I worked for two other grocery co-ops, beginning in 2011. I currently serve as a UFCW 663 union steward, and as a representative and agenda champion…

Dan Madsen

Dan Madsen Retired Information Security Architect I have been a co-op member for four years. For three and a half years, I read the newsletters and emails but viewed the co-op basically as a natural food outlet. Then the pandemic hit and the murder of George Floyd occurred. Seward’s responses raised my awareness to how…

Warren King

Warren King Adjunct Professor Seward Co-op is a vital community asset that has an important role in changing the current food system. I am motivated to run for the board and to be an owner, to realize a future food system that is more equitable, justice, affordable and sustainable. I have experience as a member…

Vina Kay

Vina Kay Vice President, Movement Capacity Building at Race Forward Incumbent I am running for re-election to the Seward Co-op Board of Directors after having served one term. My first three years as a board member have presented multiple challenges to our co-op and to our community, and I believe that having the experience I…

John Fieldstrom

John Fieldstrom Natural Foods Administration Ever since I became a member-owner of Seward, I’ve thought about running for the board. I have been actively involved in natural food cooperatives, sustainable food system work, and community organizing my entire adult life. In fact, my first job out of undergrad was as the grocery manager for another…

Mia Divecha

Mia Divecha Research Engineer When I walk into the Franklin store, I feel at home. I am surrounded by fresh, local food that nourishes my body; products that align with my values, and a diversity of people that represents my own multitude of identities. I am often at the intersection of multiple identities: I am…

Tami Bauers

Tami Bauers Freelance Project Coordinator Since 1994 I have served co-ops as an employee,  member, owner/shopper and, most recently, on a freelance basis in project coordination. I am enrolled in the Certificate Program at the International Centre for Co-operative Management at St. Mary’s University in Halifax, which has expanded my understanding about the cooperative movement.…