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Seward Co-op Store Signage Focus Group (Virtual)- Somali

Waad salaaman tihiin, xubnaha bulshada! Seward Co-op waa iskaashato ay leeyihiin bulshadu oo maamusha dukaan adeeg buuxa oo leh oo laba goobood uga yaal Koonfurta Minneapolis. Hadafkeenu waa sii wadida bulsho caafimaad qabta. Waxaan ka shaqeyneynay calaamadaha cusub ee dukaanka ee loogu talagalay in lagu caawiyo dadka wax iibsanaya si ay u helaan badeecadaha iyo…  Read More

Seward Co-op Store Signage Focus Group (Virtual)- Oromo

Akkam jirtan yaa miseensa keenya! Seward Co-op horii hawaasaati, kan kuusa mi’aa guutuu iddoo lama kibba Minneapolis keysaa qabu. Kaayoon teenya fayya qabeenya hawaasaa deeggaruudha. Mallattoo haaraya irratti hojachaa jirra akka warri kuusa mi’aa kana waa irraa bitatu, laaftumatti arkatuuf. Akeekni yaada kanaa akka mallattoon mi’aa Afaan Ingiliffaa fi yaada isaa qofa hin taaneefi. Kaayoo…  Read More

Fresh Spring Rolls with Peanut Sauce (Virtual Class)

Join Maiv Mos as she shows you how to make Fresh Spring Rolls with Peanut Sauce, a delicious snack she grew up eating. Spring rolls are packed with a ton of veggies and are perfect for spring weather. Maiv Mos Yang, Seward Co-op Please RSVP in advance via the Eventbrite link below. You will receive…  Read More

Demystifying Detox (Virtual Class)

Detoxification is a process that your body is doing all the time. Supporting your body’s efforts to maintain balance does not need to include cleansing kits and severe restriction. Instead, a “detox” can be nutritious, delicious and creative. Springtime in the northern hemisphere is a great time to put some intentional effort into this nutrient-hungry…  Read More

Information Session for Board Candidates

Seward Co-op’s Board of Directors invites potential candidates to learn about cooperative governance and the 2021 board election. Candidates must be current owners of Seward Co-op and be committed to the long-term sustainability of our co-op. All candidates are required to attend an information session + a board meeting to be eligible to run in…  Read More

Board of Directors May Meeting

Meetings of Seward Co-op’s Board of Directors are open to any co-op owner. The next board meeting is virtual and will be held Tuesday, June 1. Technically this is the May board meeting, to be held one week later in recognition of the anniversary of George Floyd’s murder. The June 1 meeting will include a…  Read More

Talking about Death Won’t Kill You; A Facilitated Conversation (Virtual class)

Jeanne Bain return with this popular workshop, a facilitated conversation about your plan for death through sharing and experiential exercises. Specific examples of do’s and don'ts as well as what qualities make someone a good healthcare agent will be explored. Expect lively discussions, laughter, and support, as we discuss what we want and what we…  Read More

Juneteenth BBQ Recipes with Addie (Virtual class)

Join Addie as we celebrate Juneteenth with a BBQ dishes and sides that everyone can enjoy this summer. We’ll be making burgers and kebobs, with both meat and vegetarian options. Addie will also give a brief history of what Juneteenth is, the importance of the date, and how she celebrates the holiday. Addie DeMery, Seward…  Read More