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Produce At Its Peak: Turnips and Rutabaga

People often joke about how much Minnesotans like to talk about the weather. When it comes to produce, however, weather is not just small talk–for the most part, it is the reason we have or do not have produce to sell.

This is true locally – a late frost in spring can wipe out an entire autumn apple crop and a hot summer can cause cool weather loving lettuces and radishes to bolt requiring our buyers to bring these items in from California. Perhaps because we know and expect extreme weather fluctuations in the Midwest uncertain produce availability is easier to understand.

On the contrary, we have come to expect a constant, consistent, and copious supply of produce from California and Mexico. But uncertain weather conditions on the Western seaboard can have a dramatic impact on the produce we take for granted.

The drought in California over the past few years has been the topic of weather conversations and has raised fears over produce prices and availability. However, it was winter precipitation courtesy of El Nino that caused recent disruptions in the supply chain. In the first week of January, from the deserts to the mountains there was anywhere from a quarter-inch of rain to 12-feet of snow in the Sierras. As a result, despite sourcing daily from four distributors we saw some significant shortages in the produce department.

For vegetable crops, the rain came at a critical time of transition. Some parts of the state were already harvesting but others were preparing fields for planting. The rain prevented crews from doing either. The delay in planting will continue to impact availability in the coming weeks.

Luckily, we still have root crops stored from local harvests to sustain us. Some such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, and onions are familiar staples. Others, like celeriac, are less frequently used but offer hardy substitutions when their tender counterpart (celery) is unavailable. Underappreciated and underutilized in the winter months are the roots in the brassica family: turnips and rutabagas.

Turnips are one of the earliest cultivated vegetables. What began as a spindly root has developed over centuries into several varieties ranging in color from pure white to deep magenta and in flavor from sweet to pungent. The white salad turnips of the summer tend to be crisp, juicy and sweet. The gold, scarlet, and purple top turnips are also crisp but tend to be denser and more assertively flavored. While winter turnips have a lovely mustardy flavor raw, their buttery sweetness is drawn out when tossed in oil and roasted.

Rutabaga or swede is closely related to the turnip and may be a cross between the turnip and cabbage species. Rutabaga is milder, sweeter and starchier than a turnip. The pale yellow flesh is rendered sweeter and more golden by cooking. Boil and mash rutabagas for a rich and peppery alternative to mashed potatoes, add to soups, or roast with rosemary and thyme along with other winter vegetables such as squash, onions, potatoes, and beets.

Winter Roots Soup

1 white onion, peeled and roughly chopped

4 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

1 bunch fresh thyme

1 ½ cup celeriac, peeled and roughly diced

3 cups mix of rutabaga, turnips, and russet potatoes, peeled and roughly diced

2 ½ quarts organic chicken stock

½ cup single cream

Sea salt

Freshly ground black pepper

3-4 Tbsp. truffle oil

In a large pot, cook the onion in the olive oil for about five minutes until translucent and soft but not browned. Add the diced vegetables, a bunch of thyme tied with kitchen twine, and stock. Bring to a boil and simmer for 40 minutes until the vegetables are tender. Add the cream, bring back to a boil, then remove the thyme and purée. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Then add the truffle oil tablespoon by tablespoon until the soup is flavored to your taste. Keep in mind, the oil can vary in strength depending on the brand. Finish with chopped parsley and thyme.

Ginger Glazed Turnips
Now is the perfect time to make these ginger glazed turnips as all of the ingredients are in their prime.

The yellow ginger harvest has begun in Hawaii and we are once again receiving weekly shipments direct from Kolo Kai farm. This ginger is the freshest we see all year – harvested on Mondays we receive shipments each Wednesday. The papery skin is just starting to develop so for the most part no peeling is required. Juicy and tender, the ginger grates like butter.

Citrus season is also in full swing and while a navel or Valencia orange would work well for this recipe, one could also play around with specialty citrus. Try a TDE tangerine for a robust orange flavor with a pert but balanced acidity. Or a blood orange for its berry-like accent. Or choose from any of the many rotating oranges, tangerines, or mandarins that will come and go over the next few months.
When selecting turnips, choose from scarlet, gold or purple-top turnips.

1 lb. turnips, scrubbed and cut into wedges

2 Tbsp. unsalted butter

1-inch piece of ginger, grated

1 large clove garlic, minced

1 Tbsp. honey

Juice and zest from ½ orange

3-4 sprigs thyme

Salt and black pepper to taste

In a large skillet, melt the butter. Add the turnip wedges and season with salt and pepper. Cook until the turnips begin to caramelize (about 10 minutes). Add the ginger, garlic, honey; stir to combine. Add orange juice and thyme and cook until the juice has reduced into a glaze. Finish with zest and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Rutabaga Latkes
Just about any recipe that calls for potatoes can be made more flavorful and healthful by substituting with rutabaga. Latkes, or potato pancakes, are often associated with Hanukkah but they have far reaching roots in many European cuisines. They are incredibly versatile–they can be made with a number of different vegetables and can be made savory or sweet. My personal favorite are rutabaga latkes with smoked salmon and crème fraiche.

1½ lbs. rutabaga, grated

½ cup white onion, grated

1 tbsp chopped garlic

½ tsp salt

½ tsp pepper

4 eggs, beaten

4 tbsp Grapeseed oil

Heat oil in a large skillet. Sauté onion and garlic until translucent but do not brown. Add rutabaga and cook until just tender. Remove from the skillet and allow to cool in a large bowl. Once the vegetables have cooled, add the salt, pepper, and eggs. Stir to coat the vegetable mixture. Add the remaining oil to the skillet. Using a small ladle or measuring cup, add scoops of mixture to the skillet and flatten. Cook until browned on both sides. Serve with lox and crème fraiche garnished with chives.

Co-op Pop: Five Ways to Build a Good Eater

I’m the father of two darn good eaters.

My son can rip through a plate of rice and black beans like a lawn mower and my daughter actually packs cucumbers in her lunch. They aren’t the best eaters (Skittles and Nerds are the bane of my existence), and I always wish they’d eat more at any given sitting. But looking at my 8- and 11-year-old, I can say they do choose healthful foods, and I’m very proud of that.

How did they become such good eaters?

Step one is…

1. Start Early. Recent research shows that a kid’s palate for fruits and veggies actually begins to establish itself before he or she is even born.

You know what that means, partner of Mom-to-be? Making sure Mom is eating healthfully and getting through morning sickness is important, but actually making the trip for an organic yellow watermelon 30 minutes before the co-op closes because that’s what she’s craving is striking a blow for good eating in your kid’s future.

Later, first foods can be fruits and veggies. Avocado mashed up is a perfectly decent first food, and so are bananas, sweet potatoes, applesauce, and mashed potatoes.

As your kid gets a little older, making mealtime fun is key. If all he or she hears is “Don’t eat that,” and “Clean your plate,” you’ll raise a picky non-eater who hates food, guaranteed.

Ask yourself this: Am I having at fun at dinner? If so, your kid probably is, too.

My strategy was always to make up games for my two kids. Here are a couple games that can make dinner time a hoot.

2. The Don’t-Eat Game. This game teaches important lessons like eating well, reverse psychology, and comedic shtick.

Saying to your 3-year-old, “Whatever you do…DON’T…EAT…the BROCOLLI,” is the surest way to create a rabid little broccoli-lover. When they take a bite, be outraged. “You ATE the BROCOLLI?” When they reach for another floret, say, “Hey-hey-hey, I WARNED you!” If they ask for seconds and thirds, then you’re doing it right.

My 8-year-old still asks to play The Don’t-Eat Game, and both my kids still eat the broccoli first in my stir-fries.

3. The Giant. A variation on The Don’t-Eat Game, this one works wonders, too. The broccoli florets are trees, the round carrots slices are car wheels, the apple slices are canoes, and your toddler is The Dreaded Giant.

“No, Giant, no! Don’t pull up that oak tree and EAT it!!”

You get the idea.

Till she was 7 or 8, my niece Andrea would say, “Pass the trees, please.”

4. Salad People. Mollie Katz is not just a cookbook author, she is also a brilliant strategist for good eating. The author of “The Enchanted Broccoli Forest Cookbook” also wrote a book called “Salad People,” and Katz’s approach to getting kids to eat should be adopted by parents and daycares everywhere.

At lunch or dinner, lay out a wide array of foods, fruits, and veggies to use as art material (even if it’s food they say they don’t like) and let your kids make faces, people, houses, cats, whatever they want to make. I used to keep a couple Tupperware containers of “food-art material” ready at all times for Salad People. Cooked spaghetti noodles can be hair and pickled beets from Angelica’s Gardens can be eyes. They both store well.

When finished, eat the eyes! Eat the hair! Eat the nose! Oh, no, DON’T EAT the nose!

I’m almost positive my son’s lifelong love of kalamata olives is traceable to making Salad People. He wasn’t born craving them.

The lesson of Salad People is to present your kids with lots of food options at dinner and to keep offering them. If they say they don’t like a certain food, make sure they have other options that they do like. Then, the next time you play Salad People, ask them to try it again. Then try cooking it. Try steaming it. Then offer it raw again. Your kid’s palate will change and they’ll go through different phases, so just because she hurled that cucumber across the room when she was 3 doesn’t mean she won’t pack it in her lunch box herself at 8.

5. Give Teens POWER. The same strategy of of letting the eight-year-old pack her own lunch can work with teens. Just remember: Don’t get into power struggles over food.

Find out what fruits or veggies that they will eat and keep those in stock. Fresh fruit? Organic rainier cherries? Hey, it’s better than Skittles and Nerds.

Then just do your best to keep your teen engaged with what you find fun about eating together. Ask her to make dinner with a new recipe one night a week or to join you cutting and chopping. Ask him to help you plant a garden next year, growing “ingredients” for Thanksgiving dinner; that’s a fun project for younger kids, too. Let her choose the dinner music or a movie during dinner. It’s absolutely amazing how much good food a kid will eat when distracted with “The Avengers.”

Always keep in mind what you love about food, and just do your best to keep your kids engaged with what they love, too. They’ll do the rest. Trust them.

Community Meeting Report

On March 18, 2014 from 6–8 p.m., the Seward Co-op convened a community meeting to discuss the new Friendship Store. The meeting, held at Sabathani Community Center, was designed and facilitated by Yvonne Cheek of Millennium Consulting Group. The agenda for the meeting was shaped by interviews with community residents and by a planning committee of the Seward Co-op. Approximately 100 people attended the meeting.

This report includes information generated at the community meeting by the attendees.

Meeting Purpose:

Engage neighborhood residents in a discussion about the Friendship Store.

Meeting Goals:

  • Share updates on the Friendship Store.
  • Provide information about co-ops and ownership in the co-op.
  • Discuss ideas for Friendship Store products and services.

Agenda Items for the Community Meeting included “Welcome & Meeting Purpose” by LaDonna Redmond, Education & Outreach Coordinator Seward Co-op; Role of Facilitator & Opening Question; “What Is a Co-op? How Does It Work?” by Sean Doyle, General Manager, Seward Co-op; “Friendship Project Progress, Store Design, Capitalization & Hiring” by Erik Hatting, Initiatives Manager, Seward Co-op and Barb Doyle, HIRED; “Questions and Answers; Anchor Questions for Discussion; Acknowledgement of Seward Co-op Managers” by LaDonna Redmond; “Store Tours / Running for the Board / Ownership in the Co-op / Participating in Future Community Events and Milestones” by Tom Vogel, Marketing Manager, Seward Co-op; “Next Steps and Closing Remarks” by LaDonna Redmond.

Questions to the community:

Question #1:

Where do you shop for groceries now, and what are your thoughts about that store?

Eastside Coop: Quality meat & produce Cub: Price, proximity, variety, affordable, fresh produce, good jobs, coupons
Everett’s: Proximity to home, poor produce Kowalski’s: Proximity, selection, easy to get in and get out, convenience, specialty, overpriced
Lunds: Items on sale Rainbow: Cheap prices, coupons for savings, variety and quality
Seward Co-op: Produce, coffee, eating lunch, friendly, can get help at produce, local producers, on the bus line, organic, bulk, philosophy SUPERVALU: Handy, convenient
Target: Good variety, bulk, produce, meat, one stop place, convenient Trader Joes: Smaller store, get things faster, don’t like that nothing is local, love it but it’s too far, nice ambience
Walmart: Low prices Wedge: Closest co-op, organic, small aisles, more dialogue, on the bus line, bulk, gluten free food, over priced
Whole Foods: Free range and grass fed meats Aldi: Low prices, limited selections

Comments from some participants about what matters:

  • cost
  • proximity to my home
  • organic items
  • location
  • fast check out
  • easy to walk to
  • quality of produce
  • easy access

Question #2:

What types of products serve your family’s needs?

Healthy foods Organic foods Bulk beans, grains, nuts, oats, granola, cereals, pasta Local produce Chicken sausage
Produce that may be out of season Locally-made items Ethnic foods Canned goods Low sodium

Low glycemic

Lower price cuts of meat (bones plus) Fish Cultural options Allergy free options (dairy, citrus, etc.)
Pasta Rice Fresh fruit & vegetables year round Fresh bread Food made from scratch with no fillers
No preservatives Salad bar Minnesota tubal foods Local green tomatoes Refried beans
Urban products Cleaning products Gluten free Local pizza crusts Cat food
Grass fed Sliced meat Fruits for kids Bigger signs Fewer aisles for packaged food
Less packaged frozen Fewer processed foods Outdoor seating

Question #3:

What deli foods would you like to see at the new store? Would you (often or sometimes) use the deli for your lunch or dinner needs?

Chicken salad Seafood salad Tuna salad Cucumber salad Wild rice salad (not paddy rice)
Turkey sandwiches with trimmings Soup Chili Cheap healthy fast foods Sandwiches


Hot bar Eggplant dishes Butternut squash soup Mexican food – tamales, tacos
Bakery items Loaves of bread Beans Greens Kale salad
Roast beef Potato salad Curried vegetables “Normal” cake Non pork options
Black-eyed peas Sweet potatoes Smaller portions Beans and rice Macaroni and cheese
Sliced meat Baked chicken Okra Collards Rotisserie chickent
Pre-made sandwiches Alternatives for prepared foods Deli reflect culture of the neighborhood

Deli Use

Dinner yes Maybe
Definitely yes A couple times
Lunch yes People who work at Sabathani yes
Deli may be too expensive for me Yes, a much better option than Subway
I’m not much of a deli user I would eat at the deli before I shop, so I wouldn’t but so much
Not currently a deli user per week yes

Question #4:

What topics would you like to know more about? What classes would you like to take at the Friendship Store?


  • Cultural/ethnic cooking
  • Different cultural traditions
  • Cooking healthy meals
  • Healthy ingredient substitution
  • Vegetarian cooking
  • From garden to stove
  • Diabetic cooking
  • Soul food cooking
  • Chemistry of cooking
  • Shopping at the co-op on a budget
  • Meal planning
  • Healthy eating
  • Food preservation
  • Cooking dry goods
  • Authentic Latino cooking
  • Cooking gluten free
  • Cooking from scratch
  • Canning
  • How to use different products to save money
  • How to make vegetables taste better
  • How to use spices
  • Too busy to take classes, but love that they are available


  • How to eliminate meet from my diet and eat healthy
  • Information on products in front of me. Educate staff on how to educate me.
  • Information on product origin
  • Small, local companies
  • Recipes
  • Commercial kitchen
  • Partnering with local organizations
  • Partnering with Senior Center at Sabathani
  • Partnering with high schools

Know Our Grower: Wisconsin Growers Cooperative

Wisconsin Growers Co-op was founded in 2006 to help 20 families maintain ownership of their farms. Its members are dedicated to the idea that if farmers take “good care of the soil, the soil will pay back with high-quality produce.” This mindset has proven effective; Wisconsin Growers often brings us produce all year long, from greenhouse radishes at the first sight of spring clear around the calendar to over-wintered parsnips. The key to the longevity of their growing season are labor-intensive, fossil fuel-free farming methods. On nearly 40 acres of the co-op’s land, these farmers plant, tend, and harvest crops exclusively using horses, horse machinery, and hand tools. In addition to more popular produce items such as potatoes, onions, and radishes, the Wisconsin Growers Co-op offers unique heirloom squash varieties, such as Queensland blue and Long Island cheese. WI Growers was the featured Know Our Grower Oct. 2 – 15. Meet the Grower: Sunday, Oct. 5.

Sales & delivery staff: Al Weinrich

How do you describe the Wisconsin Growers Cooperative?
Wisconsin Growers is a group of 30 small family farms that came together to help each other market their produce. Some farmers have only a small garden plot and others have several acres of produce. All of the farmers are Amish at this time. Farms are located in west/central Wisconsin near the towns of Black River Falls, Mondovi and Taylor. Labor is traded on the farms if someone needs help with just about anything such as weeding, planting and harvesting. Farmers/growers take turns on the growers board (a 3-person board of directors) helping to manage everything from planning what type of produce each grower will grow, to making sure the produce truck gets loaded on time as well as assisting the sales manager, as needed.

Wisconsin Growers products are either labeled organic or “sustainably grown.” When they are labeled “sustainably grown” can you describe the approach to farming?
When our produce is labeled as “sustainably grown” our growers are to follow the same requirements as the certified organic growers. The only difference being they don’t pay a certifier, which may be a financial hardship if they are a small grower. Soil building practices and amendment applications on both organic and sustainably farmed fields of Wisconsin Grower farms all follow the same National Organic Program standards.

What distinguishes your products from other local produce?
Our produce is checked both at the farm and as it is aggregated at the loading dock which ensures consistent good quality. Also, horses are used to cultivate the produce.

What is your favorite way to enjoy your own produce?
I most enjoy tasting the fresh raw produce while picking it up from the farms or as it is delivered. Especially green beans, tomatoes, and of course watermelon and muskmelon.