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Searched for: seward

Local Farm Tour Highlighted in Strib

The Star Tribune recently ran a write up on the Eat Local Farm Tour, co-sponsored by the Twin Cities natural food co-ops. The self-guided tour takes place Saturday, July 30, and features 11 different area farms. Read the article and visit Seward Co-op’s Farm Tour page with links to all of the participating farms.

Get Organic + Local at the Co-op

CBS Minnesota recognized Seward Co-op as one of the top five places in the Twin Cities metro to find organic and locally sourced foods. This fall, the co-op introduced P6, which helps customers identify not only local products, but those sourced by small producers and cooperatives/nonprofits, as well.

Sprout! Wins Award

Seward Co-op’s member newsletter, the Sprout!, is a Cooperative Communicators Association (CCA) 2010 Communications Contest award recipient. The Sprout! took second place in the “member newsletter” category during CCA’s recent awards ceremony, held in downtown Minneapolis. CCA is a Pennsylvania-based organization of professionals who communicate for cooperatives.

Nice Ride MN Debuts

Nice Ride Minnesota introduced their bike-sharing system — the largest in the United States — on Bike Walk to Work Day, Thursday, June 10. Hundreds took part in an inaugural bike ride from the Central Library down Nicollet Mall to Peavey Plaza, where Mayor R.T. Rybak hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony in front of the Downtown YWCA bike share station.

Seward Co-op's Nice Ride kiosk