  • Three teenagers showing off a dish they made in the kitchen

    Round Up to Increase Access to Food Education

    Roosevelt Culinary Arts is an elective program and registered 501(c)(3) at Roosevelt High School in South Minneapolis that brings meaningful learning opportunities about cooking and food to hundreds of students each year.

    Learn More

A green rectangle that reads "Co-op Deals"

A graphic for the 2023 Seward Co-op Scorecard and Annual Report

Franklin Store

2823 E. Franklin Ave. 612-338-2465
8 a.m.–10 p.m.
Bustling city market and community gathering space

Creamery Administrative Offices

2601 E. Franklin Ave. 612-230-5555
Co-op Creamery Cafe Closed

Friendship Store

317 E. 38th St. 612-230-5595
8 a.m.–10 p.m. 
Welcoming, friendly neighborhood store with great parking

Hot Bar Menu

Wednesday, September 18

  • Asian
  • Black Pepper Zucchini & Tofu MWOG V
  • Fried Rice MWOG
  • Kung Pao Chicken Stir-Fry MWOG V
  • Lotus Eggrolls
  • Teriyaki Chicken MWOG
V Vegan
MWOG Made Without Gluten

*Menu is subject to change and availability


September Donations $4,201 Recipient: Roosevelt Culinary Arts

August Donations $9,093 Recipient: Dream of Wild Health