Since April 2016, tribal citizens of the Standing Rock Lakota Nation and allies have gathered to oppose and raise awareness of the 1,170-mile Dakota Access Pipeline, which threatens to pollute the Missouri River and harm sacred cultural lands and tribal burial grounds. Seward Co-op stands with Standing Rock and has supported the movement with donations to groups traveling to Standing Rock. These donations have been used to purchase food and supplies requested by the leadership at the Sacred Stone camp, and Seward Co-op staff and board members have been a part of some of these groups. Seward Co-op staff is also reaching out to leaders in the Native American community in the Twin Cities to augment actions they take in support of Standing Rock. We encourage community members to learn about current needs of the camp and to donate
On Thursday, Nov. 28, Seward Co-op will have shortened hours from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.