Sales Flyer
Store Specials | Owner Deals | Co+op Deals |
Store Specials | Owner Deals | Co+op Deals |
In April, with just under $1 million raised, we officially extended the capital campaign until the end of September. Just a few months later we surpassed our $2.5 million capitalization goal and now with just over $2.9 million in owner investments the capital campaign is coming to a close. We will continue to distribute investment packets through Sunday, August 31. After which, for the month of September we will continue to accept investments from owners who already hold packets. We are thrilled at the success of the campaign and are thankful for the support of our owners.
Co+op Deals |
NSpire Natural Foods Inc is voluntarily recalling its “Marantha” peanut and almond butters due to possible salmonella contamination. There have been no incidences of illness at this time.
All Marantha brand products have been pulled from Seward Co-op shelves. But affected product was potentially sold between May 19 and August 19, 2014 with the following barcode numbers (or “PLU’s”), weights, and “best by” (“BB”) or expiration dates, which you will find on the product packaging; prices are also included:
051651060325, Roasted Creamy Almond, 16oz, BB 24DEC14-17JUN15, $17.49
051651092173, Organic Raw Almond 16oz, BB14APR15-01JUL15, $25.99
051651092180, Raw Almond 16oz, BB05APR15-02JUL15, $17.49
051651092210, NoStir Crmy Pnut No Salt 16oz, BB06JAN15-20MAY15, $6.69
051651092326, Organic Creamy Peanut w/Salt 16oz, BB03JAN15-15JUN-15, $8.59
051651092333, Organic Crunch Peanut w/Salt 16oz, BB02JAN15-15MAY15, $8.59
051651092357, Organic NoStir Crmy PBw/Salt 16oz, BB04JAN15-27JUN15, $7.79
051651092364, Organic NoStir Cnchy PBw/Salt 16oz, BB05JAN15-28JUN15, $7.79
Recalled products will be fully refunded at the Seward Co-op Customer Service Desk for a full refund.
For more information, visit the FDA site on this recall.
Questions and Answers with Gardens of Eagan Farm
Overnight, in 2008, Wedge Community Co-op‘s 10,000 members became farmers by proxy when the founding farmers at Gardens of Eagan sold their business and fleet of tractors to the Wedge.
Since that date, there have been many changes at Gardens of Eagan, including purchasing and transitioning to organic 127 acres just outside of Northfield. At the new location GOE has many greenhouse bays for growing garden starter plants and custom growing transplants for farmers. Some things haven’t changed though; kale, broccoli, tomatoes, corn, cucumbers and cauliflower are still the signature crops. Minneapolis food co-ops are still the primary customers of GOE produce and many of the original farm team that took over in 2008 are still in the tractor seat, so to speak.
(above: Gardens of Eagan’s farm team, 2013)
1. When did you begin farming and what inspired you to pursue farming as a profession?
Since Gardens of Eagan has a farm team, not a single farm owner, it is hard to say when we all started and why. What we do all have in common is that we imagined we be something else, like a teacher, or a contractor or a nurse. Farming was our second passion, we sacrificed security, benefits and prestige to follow our hearts. No regrets!
2. How does GOE as an organization differ from other farms?
We farm in partnership with Wedge Food Co-op so we are dedicated to more than just growing and selling produce. We operate a farm incubator which provides a leg up to new farmers just starting out, and we conduct workshops and tours to educate others about organic food and farming.
3. What distinguishes your products from other local produce?
We are drawing on years and years of experience, and it shows. We grow lots of produce that other farms won’t attempt — like sweet corn and summer broccoli.
4. What is your favorite way to enjoy your own produce?
In the field and with knife in hand. Nothing better.
Come to Seward Co-op on Saturday, August 16th from 12 noon to 3 p.m and meet members of the Gardens of Eagan farm team.
Eden Foods produces 70+ packaged organic products and has been an exemplary member of the natural foods community for over four decades.
Last year, Eden Foods’ CEO Michael Potter filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration, challenging its ability to compel Eden Foods and other privately held businesses to cover birth control with Eden Foods’ employee benefits. That lawsuit was dismissed by the Sixth Circuit Court last year.
The issue resurfaced in July 2014, however, when the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby, a company that had filed a very similar lawsuit to CEO Michael Potter’s.
In the aftermath of the SCOTUS ruling, the Second Circuit Court is currently reviewing Michael Potter’s suit from last year.
At Issue
Many Seward Co-op owners and shoppers have written Seward or commented on Facebook and Twitter, saying that in light of Eden Foods’ Michael Potter’s actions, the co-op should consider removing Eden Foods products from our shelves. These customers argue that Eden Foods has proven itself discriminatory against women and conducting business contrary to Seward Co-op ideals.
Seward Co-op’s Response
Seward Co-op does not have a boycott policy, which means, we don’t boycott product because we have no policy to guide us on how to do that. We’ve told customers through our comment system and via social media to “vote with your dollars,” and if Eden Foods products stop selling well, we’ll stop buying them.
We tracked product movement in July, and Eden Foods sales have indeed slowed down (specific numbers in Sean Doyle’s letter posted below). Several Eden Foods’ products whose sales have slowed considerably have been discontinued altogether.
Sean Doyle, Seward Co-op General Manager, wrote to Eden Foods’ Michael Potter to express sharp disagreement with his position and to express deep concern about Eden Foods’ future.
The text of the letter is posted here for Seward owners and shoppers to read.
Text of Seward General Manager
Sean Doyle’s Letter to Michael Potter
Dear Mr. Potter:
For over four decades, Eden Foods has been a unique brand for natural foods co-ops. Your products have been a mainstay on our packaged grocery shelves, your company has been a stalwart ally in the fight for strong USDA organic standards, and you’ve been an industry leader in the use of BPA-free lined cans. As a result, Eden Foods products have enjoyed a welcome place on shelves here at Seward Co-op.
Unfortunately, your decision to go forward with your case against Health and Human Services in the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has opened Eden Foods to harsh scrutiny and review at Seward Co-op. This political action on your part has opened our cooperatively owned business to criticism and scrutiny as well. We are accused of supporting a business that violates a fundamental human right.
As a result, I’m writing as the general manager of Seward Co-op and a longtime purveyor of your product to ask you to reconsider your decision to adjudicate your opposition to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and to accept that it is the decision of female employees to decide on their own reproductive choices. Many owners and customers of Seward have informed us that they feel the co-op is complicit in a human rights violation by selling Eden Foods. They cannot understand why we would sell products from your company when our mission reads:
“Seward Co-op will sustain a healthy community that has equitable economic relationships; positive environmental impacts; and inclusive, socially responsible practices.”
In short, they’ve asked us to discontinue selling your brand. Since April 2013, we’ve received 59 written customer comments expressing this sentiment and far more comments on the sales floor and through various social media platforms. This represents more comments than Seward Co-op has ever received related to products we sell.
Since Seward Co-op doesn’t have a boycott policy, when pressed to drop Eden Foods we’ve told customers to “vote with their dollars” — and they have. In the week immediately following the Supreme Court’s Burkett v. Hobby Lobby decision, sales of Eden Foods products dropped by 12%. When we compare the four weeks since the decision to the same period last year, Eden Foods sales have dropped 15%. These are sales that we have lost as well.
I assume you’re experiencing similar decreases in sales. Consequently, I’m writing on behalf of the nearly 12,000 households that own Seward Co-op to strongly urge you to reflect carefully on the impact your political decision is having on the natural foods market you’ve supported for so long. Eden Foods may not be the largest organic foods manufacturer in the world, but I believe that your role in this market is unique. Your actions are impacting not only the employees of Eden Foods and Seward Co-op shoppers, but they also affect Seward Co-op employees and our ability to conduct business. Worse, your actions will impact small organic farmers and food producers, as well, because they too will suffer from lost sales. It would be a tragedy if your political decision put some of these farmers out of business.
I hope you will consider the impacts that your decision has had, drop your lawsuit against Health and Human Services, and fund insurance coverage for contraception for all of your employees. I hope you’re heeding market realities and that you’ll take action to prevent ongoing damage to Eden Foods.
I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience in regards to Eden Foods’ future.
Sean Doyle
General Manager
Seward Community Co-op
Eden Foods’ response to this letter can be read here.
We are pleased to announce that we have reached $2.5 million in owner investments on July 31. This achievement belongs to all of us in the co-op community – and we celebrate not just an amount raised but the opportunity this represents. We are moving forward with our expansion projects that will offer greater access to healthy food, offer 80-100 living-wage jobs, and provide an expanded marketplace for our farmers and vendors.
Over the past five months more than 380 owners have made investments that ranged from $30 to over $200,000. During this time we’ve heard so many stories behind these investments and it is heartening to know that as we expand we have your support and affirmation. Thank you to all of our owners for your continued support as co-op owners, shoppers, and investors!
Seward Co-op has reached $2.5 million in owner investments!
This is a huge achievement for the co-op and an example of cooperation among our co-op community. Although we’ve hit the $2.5 million mark, there’s still time to contribute to the co-op’s expansion projects. You can still invest in the co-op though an owner loan or a purchase of Class C stock at the Customer Service desk. Contact Jill Livingston, Seward Co-op’s Capital Campaign Coordinator, for more information.
You did it, Seward owners. You picked your co-op up on your backs and carried us into the next phase of our growth. Thanks to everyone who bought a t-shirt, purchased Class-C stock, or wrote a loan to Seward.
Co+op Deals |
On Saturday, July 12, Seward Co-op broke ground on its future Friendship store site at 38th St. and 3rd Ave. in Minneapolis. Hundreds of people of all ages from the surrounding neighborhoods were on hand to listen to an array of speakers and take part in a ceremonial ground breaking. Video by Chris Bohnhoff.