
Deli Hot Lunch Menu

White Miso Steamed VeggiesGarlic Basil Stir FryYuzu Greens with Red CabbageLemongrass ChickenNem Nong Balls

Deli Hot Lunch Menu

Tuscan SofritoBalsamic BeetsToasted Barley PilafGarlic Pepper Chicken4 Cheese Vegetarian Lasagna

Deli Hot Lunch Menu

Cilantro Lime Carrots with ArugulaAncho Honey BeetsGreens with Radish and QuinoaJerked ChickenChicken Mole Enchilada

Deli Hot Lunch Menu

Bacon Cheddar Leek FrittataVegetable ScrambleBiscuits and GravyPotato Chevre and Tomato FrittataHuevos Rancheros

Deli Hot Lunch Menu

Bacon Cheddar Leek FrittataVegetable ScrambleBiscuits and GravyPotato Chevre and Tomato FrittataHuevos Rancheros

Know Our Grower

The vitality and sustainability of our local food system depends on the presence of a diverse network of growers and the support of a dedicated consumer base. Seward Co-op’s annual…  Read More

Know Our Grower: LaBore Farms

Located in Faribault, Minn., LaBore Farms was founded by Michelle Glinski in 2004. In a greenhouse, Michelle can grow hydroponic lettuce, mixed greens and cress year-round without the use of…  Read More

Deli Hot Lunch Menu

Scallion Chickpea CurryCabbage Mustard Seed CurryCurried Greens with AlmondTandoori ChickenYam Pineapple Curry

Deli Hot Lunch Menu

Brown Butter Carrots with ArugulaCreole YamsSothern Style GreensRed Beans and RiceBBQ Chicken

Deli Hot Lunch Menu

Edamame in Pod Kung Pao Tofu Stir FryGinger Garlic Turnips and Beets Sesame Garlic Greens with CitrusChinese BBQ Chicken