Deli Hot Lunch Menu
Maple Glazed ChickenFour Cheese LasagnaTuscan So FritoThyme Roasted BeetsMillet Pilaf w/ Tomato and Cauliflower
Maple Glazed ChickenFour Cheese LasagnaTuscan So FritoThyme Roasted BeetsMillet Pilaf w/ Tomato and Cauliflower
Chicken Mole EnchiladaVegetable Mole EnchiladaChipotle Roasted VegetablesFrijoles Negros de la AbuelaGreens w/ Radish and Quinoa
Frittata w/ Potato Tomato & ChevreBreakfast QuesadillaBiscuits & Gravy w/ SausageBreakfast PotatoesFrench Toast
Frittata w/ Potato Tomato & ChevreBreakfast QuesadillaBiscuits & Gravy w/ SausageBreakfast PotatoesFrench Toast
Chicken Tikka MasalaCoconut Maakhi DalCoconut Curried VegetablesSaag Chana MasalaRice Pilau with Peas
Maple-Glazed ChickenMustard Roast PorkSmoked Pinto BeansCreole Roasted YamsRed Beans & Rice
Gardens of Eagan (GOE), a 100-acre certified-organic farm near Northfield, Minn., has always been a place to learn about and grow organic produce. After more than 20 years of growing… Read More →
Chinese BBQ ChickenKung Pao ChickenGarlic Basil Tofu Stir-fryGreen Curry Roasted VegetablesGolden Pineapple Fried Rice
Since our relocation in January 2009, Seward Co-op has had tremendous success. Our growth has put the co-op in a very good position that affords us the opportunity to build… Read More →
The Seward Co-op Board of Directors is asking our owners to approve a change to board compensation to include a monthly stipend for board members. In keeping with our stated goal of creating equitable economic relationships, the stipend would reflect the value that board members create for our co-op. Owner control, as enacted through the…