Community Homestead
Osceola, WI
CSA Type: Vegetables, fruit, meat, jams, preserves, flowers, herbs, pickles, maple syrup, baked goods
Drop Locations: Powderhorn neighborhood and more
Community Homestead was established in 1995 as a cooperative project that enables everyone to flourish so that, together, we are a very able community. Community Homestead has all ages, all abilities and disabilities, living and working together to sustain, protect, and enrich the human and natural environment; they work with the belief that everyone is a unique and valuable human being.
“We are a non profit community including people with developmental challenges. Forty people of all ages and abilities celebrate land and human sustainability, running an organic dairy farm, an organic biodiverse garden & CSA, a bakery & food processing kitchen, a woodshop & many crafts. This is lifesharing and learning for all.”