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Chrys Carroll pottery by Sayge Carroll
Learn about Sayge Carroll
Artist and advocate Sayge Carroll has been tending the soil of community through art for more than 20 years. Throughout their career, they have harnessed the tools of visual art, sound, music, and civic engagement to create work that links ancestry to the present and honors the historic contributions — from its notable figures to natural resources to cultural traditions. In their public art and events, Carroll works outside traditional art spaces to reach people in the context of their lives and communities.
Support local BIPOC artists
One of the ways Sayge engages with art is through the pottery they make under the moniker Chrys Carroll Pottery. A medium they first encountered as a junior in high school, working with clay is something they say always feels like “home.” Seward Co-op partnered with Sayge to make plates for the Creamery Café. They also sell their pottery at our stores, so make sure to check out their beautiful work the next time you’re shopping.
Learn More about Sayge
Learn more about Sayge, then watch them make a mug on the wheel.
Continued Connections with Community Foods – Chrys Carroll Pottery from Seward Co-op on Vimeo.
Continued Connections with Community Foods- Sayge Carroll on the wheel from Seward Co-op on Vimeo.