Amador Hill Farm and Orchard
North Branch, MN
CSA Type: Vegetables, Herbs, Fruit
Drop Locations: Franklin & Friendship stores & more
Amador Hill Farm, a program of the Women’s Environmental Institute (WEI), is an organically certified demonstration and education farm on the Amador Hill Farm Campus in North Branch, Minnesota.
WEI is an environmental research, renewal, and retreat center designed to create and share knowledge about environmental issues and policies relevant to women, children, and identified communities affected by environmental injustice. Since 2006, WEI has run Amador Hill Farm and Orchard. CSA shares directly support WEI’s farming and sustainability education program, and helps WEI serve their mission of food, farming, and environmental justice.
Amador Hill Farm is certified organic by the Midwest Organic Services Association (MOSA) which means that they have a rigorous third-party verification process to ensure that they use no petrochemical insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or GMO/treated seeds.
“Why do we do this? Because we care about health, we care about the land, we care about really good and tasty food, we care about the organic farming movement, and we care about our wider WEI mission of environmental, food and farming justice.
Our farm is a farm and more than a farm. By ordering your CSA through WEI, you are not only supporting our farmers and making a pathway to your own health, but you are also helping us support our education program which centers largely on our Amador Hill Farm Campus.”