A family-owned business for more than 35 years, Jack and the Green Sprouts in River Falls, Wis. provides Seward Co-op with all manner of certified-organic health-giving sprouts and wheat grass. Jack and the Green Sprouts was the featured Know Our Grower, June 19 – July 2. Demo: Saturday, June 29.
Grower: Joe
River Falls, Wis.
1. When did you begin farming and what inspired you to pursue farming as a profession?
We began farming in 1976, because we read how healthy sprouts are for you, so we started growing them for ourselves.
2. When and why did you decide to produce sprouts?
When we began farming, the only product and reason we started producing sprouts is the same as above!
3. Would you briefly describe how your sprouts are produced and how this production differs from other soil-grown or greenhouse crops?
Our sprouts are grown hydroponically in an indoor controlled environment, 365 days a year. We are inspected by the state of Wisconsin and the FDA at least annually.
4. What is your favorite way to enjoy your own produce?
Sandwiches, salads, tacos, pizzas and wraps.