• A view of the exterior of the Seward Co-op Franklin store

Franklin Renovation Updates

The Franklin store is now nearly 15 years old, and it needs significant upgrades and repairs. Because of this, we are planning a major renovation of the sales floor in the summer of 2023. One of the primary goals of the renovation is to provide a completely new and improved experience for co-op customers and staff. In order to make the extensive changes without significantly disrupting the work or shopping experience, we will remain open during construction and complete the project over a number of smaller phases, tentatively beginning in July with a goal of wrapping up by the end of October.

So what’s changing? A few design highlights include dedicated entry and exit doors, more windows and natural light, wider walkways, a new classroom on the first floor, and updated Deli and Cheese departments. The Bulk department will move to the front of the store, and the checkout area will be larger and will have an option for self-checkout, which will help move everyone through check-out more quickly and provides cashier staff the flexibility to support other store departments during slower times.

This page will be a resource for all things Franklin Renovation, so please check back for updates. We appreciate your patience as we work to improve the Seward Co-op experience for everyone. For questions, please contact us. 

What’s New

Prospective phases have been developed as follows:

  • Phase 1, July 10 – August 1: Dairy, Produce prep room, Checkouts
  • Phase 2, August 2 – August 29: Dairy, Meat and Seafood
  • Phase 3, August 30 – October 11: Frozen Foods, Cheese, Deli, Classroom, Entryway, Produce (greens)
  • Phase 4, October 2 – October 10: Packaged Grocery, Bulk
  • Phase 5, October 11 – October 20: Wellness, Packaged Grocery, Produce (fruits)
10/12/23 Update

As we near the completion of the Franklin remodel, slated for the end of October, we want to extend another big thank you to all customers and staff for their patience during this project. Staff have been working diligently to help make a new and improved experience for everyone at the Franklin store, and customers have been thoroughly understanding as the layout of the sales floor has been in flux. Thank you!

So where are we now with the project? Phases 1, 2, and 4 of the renovation are complete, and we are in our sixth week of phase 3, the most complex phase of the renovation. The entire Deli and Cheese areas have newly tiled floors and walls, and the new first-floor classroom walls have been taped and sanded.

Phase 5 has just begun, and will involve moving the Bulk department, removing and rebuilding Wellness, adding a new refrigerated grocery display case, and moving the Produce fruits display case.

Here are a few things to note about upcoming projects:

  • The new entryway is still being completed. The new entry door has been framed, and the entryway floor has been poured.
  • The entire Deli and Cheese area will be cleaned. Some of the equipment will be reinstalled.
  • The Deli, Cheese, and Bulk area walls are in the process of being painted.
  • The Bulk department will move to its new area of the sales floor.
  • The new Produce greens case will be installed.

Previous Updates

9/26/23 Update

While phase 3 of the Franklin store remodel continues–the most extensive phase of the project–phase 4 is nearly complete. Phase 4, which involves the reinstallation of frozen aisle cooler doors, placing a new Meat and Seafood case, and installing two-thirds of packaged grocery shelving, is slated to be complete in the coming week. Since the last update, the first of the permanent shelving runs were installed and merchandised. The electrical, refrigeration, and plumbing lines were prepped for the reinstallation of the frozen aisle cooler doors, and the new entryway walls were framed. This week, the new first-floor classroom walls will be framed, more grocery shelving will be installed and merchandised, the frozen aisle cooler doors will be reinstalled, along with a new Meat and Seafood grab-n-go case, and the produce greens case will be moved away from the wall so the openings for the new entry door and windows can be cut. We appreciate the continued patience from customers, along with the adaptability and hard work from staff.

9/5/23 Update

And just like that, we’re on to Phase 3! Two phases of our 5-phase project have been completed, with the most recent updates including a new poultry grab-n-go case, reinstallation of the Meat and Seafood service cases, and patching of the floor around the new dairy cooler. Phase 3 starts this week and will be the most extensive of our renovation phases, involving moving the juice bar, cheese counter, and food bars and adding a first-floor classroom. There are a few important things to note about this phase:

  • The Deli counter operations will move to the kitchen. This means there will be a temporary halt of made-to-order drink services. Self-serve hot coffee will be available throughout phase 3, as well as some bottled drinks from the juice bar, such as cold brew and juice, along with rice and beans.
  • During this phase, cheese can be found in the three-door cooler next to the Meat and Seafood counter as well as in the grab-n-go case.
  • Temporary food bars will be delivered this week. The Hot Bar and Salad Bar are planned to continue throughout phase 3 without disruption.
  • Many grocery items will be relocated to temporary shelves to make room for construction activities. Please ask a staff member if you need assistance locating items.
  • This phase involves the construction of a second entryway. While this will not affect the current entryway, two accessible parking spaces have been moved and bike racks under the building parking lot overhang have been removed to prepare for phase 3. Bikes can be locked up on the 19 racks in front of the store or the seven on the east side of the store.
  • There will be short spells when the work is noisy, particularly during early mornings on 9/11 and 9/12.

Thank you again to patrons and staff for their continued support, hard work, and patience during this time of change.

8/8/23 Update

That’s a wrap for Phase 1! An updated section of the Produce department is now open, and we’ve installed a new, more efficient cooler for refrigerated grocery. Phase 2 has begun and will focus on the Dairy and Meat and Seafood sections of the store. Here are a few things to note about this phase of construction:

  • The Meat and Seafood counter is not open at this time, but fresh meats and seafood are still available! The items that were previously in the case at the counter are now packaged in the cooler at the southeast corner of the store. Fish and Seward-made sausage are packaged fresh, in-house daily for your convenience.
  • Shredded cheese that was in the southeast corner of the store is now in the cheese cooler next to the cheese counter in the Deli. You’ll find cream cheese and lox at the cheese counter as well.
  • Olives have moved to the Grab and Go coolers next to the packaged salads.
  • Please ask staff for assistance if you need help finding anything. We appreciate your patience and patronage during this time!
7/11/23 Update

The Franklin renovation is underway! As we get started on Phase 1 construction, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Construction will be primarily concentrated between the hours of 5 a.m. and 3 p.m. to minimize disruption to the shopping experience.
  • There are plastic sheets taped up around construction zones – please stay on the sales floor and out of those areas.
  • Some dairy items have been moved to the Grab and Go coolers during construction. Additionally, refrigerated bakery items have been moved to a cooler at the front of the store. Please check those spots if your favorite item isn’t in its usual place and please ask staff for help in finding displaced items.
  • The Franklin parking lot will be a bit busier during the renovation, as storage containers and other construction items will be stationed there for the duration of the project. Taking advantage of alternative modes of transportation will qualify you for our People Powered Perks Program. Pick up a People Powered Perks punch card at the Customer Service desk. When you walk, bike, scooter, or use a mobility device or public transit to get to Seward Co-op, you’ll receive a punch. Ten punches enters you into a monthly drawing for a $50 Seward Co-op gift card!

Franklin Remodel Rewards

A picture of the Franklin store with text overlay reading "Franklin Remodel Rewards"Thank you for your patronage while we work to remodel the Franklin store. To show our gratitude, all shoppers who visit the Franklin store throughout the remodel are able to receive rewards with our Franklin Remodel Rewards punch card!

Find them at the Customer Service Desk or ask your checkout person at the registers to get one started. Users are eligible to receive one punch at checkout per day with delicious rewards as follows:

  • 5 punches – free drip coffee, any size
  • 10 punches – a free Seward-made cookie
  • 15 punches – $5 off a $25 shop
  • 20 punches – 10% off a shop
    • This may not be combined with a quarterly discount, but it can be combined with Wellness Wednesday

Stop and shop, check out the progress of the remodel, and receive punches through Oct. 31, 2023. Rewards expire at the end of the year on Dec. 31, 2023. Thank you for your continued commitment to local business. We are very excited to share this improved community-owned store with all of you.

Maps & Photos

  • A simplified floorplan of the post-renovation Franklin store
  • A simplified map of the scheduled phases of the Franklin renovation