As a cooperative with two grocery stores, Seward Co-op plays an essential role in the community. COVID-19 guidelines like social distancing and wearing masks have become a part of everyday life. We have maintained our ability to keep the doors open and provide goods and nourishing foods throughout these challenging times in large part because of the collective concern for community among Seward Co-op owners and shoppers. Effective Feb. 24, Mayor Jacob Frey signed Emergency Regulation 2022-7, immediately lifting the City’s mask requirement established in Emergency Regulation No. 2022-1, which has been in place since January 5, 2022. The former regulation required patrons, employees, and visitors to wear a mask in areas of public accommodation. Seward Co-op will no longer require customers or staff to wear a face covering. Face coverings and masks are still strongly recommended for folks visiting and working at our locations. There will be signage throughout the store encouraging folks to wear masks.
Plexiglas shields remain in high-contact areas at our stores and masks are available to anyone upon request. We continue to encourage staff and community members to practice handwashing and stay home when ill. Whenever possible, shoppers are encouraged to shop alone and socially distance themselves from one another. Our Seward To Go pick-up and delivery service offer contactless shopping options to make shopping more safe and convenient for everyone.
Please accept our appreciation and gratitude for your continued patience, cooperation, and support.