• We offer $10 to $50 gift certificates for use at silent auctions, fundraisers, or other one-time events. We do not provide food or deli trays directly, though a donated gift card can be used to purchase food at our stores for an event. Recipient organizations are eligible a maximum of twice per year. Please complete the donation request form below a minimum of two weeks in advance of the event.

    Donations are given to organizations whose work aligns with our Ends Statement, which reads:
    Seward Co-op will sustain a healthy community that has:
    • Equitable economic relationships;
    • Positive environmental impacts; and
    • Inclusive, socially responsible practices.

    In addition, priority will be given to organizations that:
    • Are based in the communities served by Seward Co-op.
    • Reflect the cultural and racial diversity of our communities.
    • Are nonpartisan and do not advocate a particular religion.
    • Are registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations.
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