With the investments tallied from the first week of May, we officially surpassed one million dollars with $1,116,420 in owner investments. This number is the result of 114 investors and includes a healthy mix of Class C stock purchases and owner loans. With the introduction of the “Grow Together” t-shirt, investments now range from $30 to over $100,000.
This is a fantastic milestone to reach but know that our campaign is ongoing and we continue to work toward our goal of $2.5 million. If you haven’t invested, consider the investment opportunities that Seward Co-op is offering and pick up an investment packet at customer service or by contacting Jill Livingston at 612-314-2012. If you have invested, we encourage you to talk with your friends and neighbors about opportunities for ownership and investment at Seward Co-op. We are grateful to have such engaged and supportive owners. Thank you!