• Co-op Ownership

    Becoming an owner is easy

Owners are the foundation of Seward Co-op. In 2023, we welcomed over 880 new owners to our cooperative. We’ve made it easy for community members to join Seward Co-op! Choose from three payment options: paid-in-full, installments, or a needs-based option for those who qualify. A new ownership investment via any of the three payment options immediately qualifies you for owner benefits. When you become an owner, you purchase stock in Seward Co-op. Full owner equity at Seward Co-op is $75 of Class A stock.

Visit the Customer Service kiosk at either store to become an owner!


Ownership Investment Options


This option splits the equity purchase into three payments made on the following schedule:

  • Initial payment – nine shares ($27)
  • Within three months of initial payment – eight shares ($24)
  • Within six months of initial payment – eight shares ($24)


For new owners who are currently enrolled in Minnesota Food Assistance/Support, Minnesota Health Care, Social Security Disability Insurance,  Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC), or Section 8 Housing, a new ownership can be purchased for an initial equity investment of $15. These owners will earn their remaining $60 of owner equity through future patronage refunds. In this case, the patronage refunds will be converted to class A stock until their combined total reaches the full $75 cost of ownership.

All co-op owners who have financial need may also apply for our everyday needs-based discount of 10%. Visit the Customer Service kiosk to apply.

Owner Benefits

Seward Co-op owners enjoy great benefits.

Quarterly Discount

Take 10% off one unlimited quantity shopping trip per calendar quarter

Case Discounts

10% discount on case special orders

A Vote

Choose the board of directors and impact the future direction of the co-op.

Community Investment

Invest in community and help build a cooperative economy

Patronage Refund

Co-ops can return money back to its owners in profitable years, proportional to the amount spent at the co-op.

Sprout! Newsletter with Coupons

Owners signed up our quarterly e-publication Sprout! receive free product coupons every quarter

Educational Discounts

Attend free and discounted classes offered virtually and in our classrooms