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Searched for: shop the co op safely

Conventional Items Expand Food Access

To expand food access to more community members, we are bringing in a small assortment of competitively priced conventional products.

Seward Co-op’s COVID-19 Updates

As a cooperative with two grocery stores, Seward Co-op plays an essential role in the community. COVID-19 guidelines like social distancing and wearing masks have become a part of everyday life. We have maintained our ability to keep the doors open and provide goods and nourishing foods throughout these challenging times in large part because…

Product Commitment

Seward Community Co-op carries a wide variety of products to meet the differing needs of our shoppers. Our dedication to sustaining a healthy community leads us to emphasize the Community Foods: Values Every Day program, which supports producers with at least two of these qualities: Inclusive i.e. people of color, women, LGBTQIA+, disabled and/or veteran…  Read More

About Seward Co-op

Seward Co-op is a community owned, consumer co-op. Everyone is welcome to shop at Seward Co-op. Cooperatives are very different from privately owned discount clubs, which charge annual fees in exchange for a discount on purchases. Discount clubs are owned and governed by the shareholders. Profits of the business go to the investors. In a…

Introduction to Tre® Tension Releasing Exercises (Virtual class)

November 6, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am

This workshop will introduce you to the Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises. The process safely activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system and helps release deeply held tension held in the body. In this workshop, we will discuss the history of the method, walk…  Read More


Quebracho produces scratch-made empanadas among other Argentinian staples using ingredients sourced locally whenever possible.

Celebrate Juneteenth

This year, during the global pandemic, Juneteenth celebrations may look different as we navigate how to gather safely with community.

Store Departments

As a cooperative business, Seward Community Co-op exists to sustain a healthy community with two full-service grocery stores and a production facility. We are passionate about sourcing products from makers who share our values and that are of the highest possible quality. We prioritize product selection using our Community Foods—Values Every Day program. As a…

Natural Egg-dying Demo At Seward

This Saturday, March 28, we’ll be showing you how to make natural dyes for eggs at Seward Co-op. Pop by the store any time from 1-4 p.m. and see how to make great dyes from onion skins, coffee, turmeric, and tea! We’ll have a recipe for natural egg-dyes in the recipe rack by the Customer…  Read More