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Food and Your Mood (Virtual class)

November 2, 2020 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

What – and how – you eat will impact much more than just your physical body. Food and your mood are more connected than you may think! Anxiety, depression, memory, stress, and attention are all influenced by what you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner (and anything in between). Understanding the interactions between what we eat, how we feel and what we think or feel empowers us to care for ourselves body, mind and spirit. Jesse Haas, functional nutritionist and co-founder of Wellness Minneapolis, will share some doable strategies for uplifting mental wellbeing in a time when maintaining a positive outlook is a daily struggle.

Jesse Haas, CNS, LN; Wellness Minneapolis

Free virtual class- Please RSVP in advance. You will receive a Zoom link before the day of the class.

The Science of Emotional Eating (Virtual class)

September 15, 2020 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Are you finding yourself browsing in your pantry more in the last couple months? The truth it, emotional eating is an effective tool for relieving stress! While that cookie may make you feel better in the moment, it’s not truly a solution to your emotional strain. Join Jesse Haas, functional nutritionist and co-founder of Wellness Minneapolis to build a better understanding of what draws you to the kitchen when you feel worried/sad/bored/enter-emotion-here. Take home some strategies for breaking the pattern in loving, joyful ways.

If you would like to participate in a mindful eating exercise at the end of this class, please have an almond, grape, piece of chocolate or other small bite available.

Jesse Haas, CNS, LN; Wellness Minneapolis

Free virtual class- Please RSVP in advance. You will receive a Zoom link before the day of the class.

Conversations with the Board

August 27, 2020 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Join our board on Thursday, August 27 for a virtual listening session at 7 p.m. This time of transformation is an important moment to be together as a community in hope and cooperation. We also hope to reflect on our identity and future work as a community cooperative. Please join us and share your thoughts; RSVP to board@seward.coop.

Board of Directors August Meeting

August 25, 2020 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Meetings of Seward Co-op’s Board of Directors are open to any co-op owner. The board typically meets 9-10 times a year on the last Tuesday of the month, at 6:15 p.m. The next board meeting is virtual and will be held Tuesday, Aug. 25. The meeting will include a 10-minute Co-op Owners Comment Period. Individual time allotment is dependent on number of owners who wish to speak. The agenda is available here; your advance RSVP is politely requested. To indicate your intention to attend and/or participate in the Co-op Owners Comment Period, please email board@seward.coop prior to Aug. 25. This will allow us to provide you the virtual meeting link.

Seward Co-op’s Board of Directors is comprised of nine elected co-op owners who serve the co-op for three-year terms. The board typically meets 9-10 times a year on the last Tuesday of the month, at 6:15 p.m. The co-op’s board of directors appreciates hearing from you! They are available to answer questions and provide information about cooperative governance.

Conversations with the Board

August 4, 2020 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Join our board on Tuesday, August 4 for a virtual listening session at 5 p.m. This time of transformation is an important moment to be together as a community in hope and cooperation. We also hope to reflect on our identity and future work as a community cooperative. Please join us and share your thoughts; RSVP to board@seward.coop.

Seward Co-op’s Annual Owner Meeting

October 27, 2020 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Join us on Zoom on Tuesday, Oct. 27 for the Annual Co-op Owner Meeting, 6–8 p.m. At this year’s meeting, we will build on our equity foundation and begin to discuss what liberation looks like in community and how Seward Co-op and its owners can play a role.

The 2020 annual meeting will feature Resmaa Menakem, the New York Times bestselling author and leading voice in today’s national conversation on racialized trauma. Resmaa will join local activists Mankwe Ndosi, and Sophia Benrud with panel facilitation by LaDonna Sanders Redmond in a discussion around the co-op’s role in the movement for abolition, racial justice and liberation in our communities. Our lens will be focused on the centuries-old cooperative and abolition movements.

Minneapolis-based vocal artist Van Nixon will perform. We will also share the results of the board of directors’ election and announce SEED recipients for 2021, including the Community Choice SEED results.

About the panelists
Resmaa Menakem is the New York Times bestselling author of My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies, and is a leading voice in today’s national conversation on racialized trauma. He is a visionary Justice Leadership coach, organizational strategist and master trainer. Resmaa created Cultural Somatics, which utilizes the body and resilience as mechanisms for growth.
As a therapist and trauma specialist, Resmaa Menakem dedicates his expertise to coaching people through civil unrest, organizational change, and community building. He helps communities examine and begin to heal the trauma of racialization, and coaches them on how to do the embodied work to gain the cultural maturity to lead and build community within themselves and within

Mankwe Ndosi is musicmaker, performer, educator and culture weaver focused on sound, story, and expanding the vocabulary of singing. She seeks to infuse creative practice back into the worlds of healing, sustainable economic development, education, and new village community building.

Sophia Benrud is a Black multiracial queer community organizer, postpartum doula, and chef. Sophia is the environmental justice organizer and cofounder of Black Visions Collective, a Black-led, Queer- and Trans-centering non-profit organization committed to Black liberation. Sophia is a co-founder of Divine Natural Ancestry, a project that supports community through tools, supplies and knowledge for growing food in BIPOC communities. Sophia is committed to transforming the current movement by centering communities directly impacted by climate and environmental, food, and healing justice, while building stronger movements to break down systemic violence.

Van Nixon is a talented vocalist and musician with experience performing solo and in bands, specializing in Reggae. Van Nixon’s performance style welcomes the audience to feel a part of his musical experience. His friendly and playful spirit provides a fun and entertaining event every time.

Please RSVP in advance. You will receive an email from Eventbrite that contains a Zoom link to join the meeting. Please ensure you are able to receive emails from Eventbrite here*. Emails with the Zoom info will be sent the day and the hour prior to the meeting.


Note about accessibility: There will be a form to request any accommodations (i.e. interpretation services) when you RSVP.

We strongly encourage attendees log in a few minutes before 6:00pm on Tuesday 10/27 to ensure they are able to connect. Your camera and microphone will be off during the meeting. You will be able to access the chat feature. During the event, a limited number of co-op staff may be able to assist with basic troubleshooting. Please raise your hand and a staff person will reach out to you via chat. There may be a delay depending on how many attendees are in need of troubleshooting support.

*Note on receiving the Zoom link via email: Emails with Zoom links are sent in advance of our virtual events via Eventbrite. Eventbrite emails sometimes end up in junk/spam folders- if you have not received a link prior to class, please check your spam folder. If you have previously unsubscribed to Eventbrite’s emails, you may also not receive a Zoom link email. Please make sure you are subscribed to Eventbrite’s mailouts to receive these communications.
If you are still having issues receiving Eventbrite emails, try their troubleshooting guide here.

Board of Directors’ Candidate Forum

October 6, 2020 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Join us virtually on Zoom Tuesday, Oct. 6 from 6–8 p.m. for the Seward Co-op Board of Directors Candidate Forum.

What you can expect: An opportunity to engage with the 2020 board candidates and with current directors. You’ll hear about each of the candidates and why they are running for Seward Co-op’s Board of Directors. Bring questions you would like to pose to the candidates, or submit in advance to board@seward.coop.

The goal of the Candidate Forum is to help co-op owners make thoughtful decisions in selecting candidates best suited to help Seward Co-op work towards its Ends Statement.

Please RSVP in advance. You will receive a Zoom link before the day of the event.