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African Vegan Cooking: Kabalagala/Banana Pancakes (Virtual class)

March 15, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Nourish 101 classes feature basic scratch-cooking techniques and recipes that feed a family of four for under $10. Learn more about our Nourish program here.

Henry Kisitu, Jajja Wellness

Please RSVP in advance via the Eventbrite link below. You will receive an email from Eventbrite that contains a Zoom link or phone number to join the class in advance of the class date.

Holistic Approaches to Gastrointestinal Health (Virtual class)

March 2, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm

Have you ever wondered how your digestive system works? Sara Jean Barrett, naturopathic doctor and co-founder of Wellness Minneapolis will take you on a tour of the full digestive system. Follow your food as it moves from your mouth to your bowel movements! You will learn about a variety of gastrointestinal concerns including ‘leaky gut’, SIBO, reflux, food intolerances, and more, taking home some important health hacks to relieve digestive symptoms.

Sara Jean Barrett, ND; Wellness Minneapolis

Please RSVP in advance via the Eventbrite link below. You will receive an email from Eventbrite that contains a Zoom link or phone number to join the class in advance of the class date.

Co-op Community Conversations- “Jim Crow of the North” Panel Discussion

February 17, 2021 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

The event series “Co-op Community Conversations: Exploring the intersection of racial, social, and food justice” is presented by Eastside Food Co-op, Mississippi Market Food Co-op, Seward Community Co-op, and Twin Cities Co-op Partners as a way to examine and connect our cooperative values with social justice movements. Stay tuned for future events in this series taking place throughout the year.


Why do Minnesotans experience some of the worst racial disparities in home ownership in this country?

Join Twin Cities Food Co-ops, The East Side Freedom Library and TPT-2 to explore this question through the film “Jim Crow of the North,” which delves into the complex history of racial covenants in the Twin Cities and systematic racism that has lasting repercussions on housing inequities today.

Participants will receive a link for this hour-long documentary to watch in advance of this virtual panel discussion with the film’s producer Dan Bergin, Rebecca Walker from Mapping Prejudice, and food justice activist Miah Ulysse. The discussion will also focus on how our co-op community can address the related inequity of food access in the Twin Cities.

Registered participants will be emailed the documentary link along with details to join the virtual event one week before, one day before, and again as a reminder one hour before the event begins. After the event, participants will also receive a link to the event recording for future reference.

Board of Directors January Meeting

January 26, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Meetings of Seward Co-op’s Board of Directors are open to any co-op owner. The next board meeting is virtual and will be held Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2021. Co-op owners are welcome to observe and an advance RSVP is politely requested. The Jan. 26 meeting will include a 10-minute Co-op Owners Comment Period. The board of directors planned this in response to community members’ requests to address the board. Individual time allotment is dependent on number of owners who wish to speak. Agenda is available here. To indicate your intention to attend and/or participate in the Co-op Owners Comment Period, please email board@seward.coop prior to Jan. 26. This will allow us to provide you the virtual meeting link.

Seward Co-op’s Board of Directors is comprised of nine elected co-op owners who serve the co-op for three-year terms. The board typically meets 9-10 times a year on the last Tuesday of the month, at 6:15 p.m. The co-op’s board of directors appreciates hearing from you! They are available to answer questions and provide information about cooperative governance.

Nourish 101: African Vegan Cooking- Ugandan Rice (Virtual class)

February 23, 2021 @ 6:00 am - 7:00 pm

Nourish 101 classes feature basic scratch-cooking techniques and recipes that feed a family of four for under $10. Learn more about our Nourish program here.

Henry Kisitu, Jajja Wellness

Please RSVP in advance via the Eventbrite link below. You will receive an email from Eventbrite that contains a Zoom link or phone number to join the class in advance of the class date.

Weeknight Pot Pie (Virtual class)

February 25, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Learn how easy it is to cook delicious yet quick chicken pot pie. This recipe is ideal for any night of the week and can even be prepped a day in advance. Katie will cover two prep methods- one that includes a pie crust base and one without that utilizes ramekins or a casserole oven safe dish for a slightly lighter meal.

Katie Burns

Please RSVP in advance via the Eventbrite link below. You will receive an email from Eventbrite that contains a Zoom link or phone number to join the class in advance of the class date.

The Science of Emotional Eating (Virtual class)

February 15, 2021 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Are you finding yourself browsing in your pantry more in the last couple months? The truth is, emotional eating is an effective tool for relieving stress! While that cookie may make you feel better in the moment, it’s not truly a solution to your emotional strain. Join Jesse Haas, functional nutritionist and co-founder of Wellness Minneapolis to build a better understanding of what draws you to the kitchen when you feel worried/sad/bored/enter-emotion-here. Take home some strategies for breaking the pattern in loving, joyful ways.

Jesse Hass, Wellness Minneapolis

Please RSVP in advance via the Eventbrite link below. You will receive an email from Eventbrite that contains a Zoom link or phone number to join the class in advance of the class date.

Holistic Approaches to Adrenal Health (Virtual class)

February 10, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Stress impacts all aspects of our health. This class will explore the physical and hormonal response to stress. Learn what key nutrients are needed for healthy adrenal function with Sara Jean Barrett, naturopathic doctor and co-founder of Wellness Minneapolis. ND. Join us for a deep dive into adrenal physiology and discover what you can do to naturally improve your stress response system, build resilience and increase your energy.

Sara Jean Barettt, N.D.; Wellness Minneapolis

Please RSVP in advance via the Eventbrite link below. You will receive an email from Eventbrite that contains a Zoom link or phone number to join the class in advance of the class date.