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Searched for: seward co op fresh orange juice 2

Seward-made Fall Menu

Seward Co-op’s production kitchen is cooking up Fall favorites. Here are some highlights of what you’ll find in our stores: •Lentil, Squash, and Parsnip Salad (vegan & made without gluten) •Pumpkin Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting (made without gluten) •Vegan Macaroni & Cheese (vegan) •Wheat Berry Apple and Pecan Salad Sausage Greek Loukaniko—Loukaniko is the…  Read More

Marinades Made Simple

Concocting your own grilling marinades from scratch is a lot easier than you may think. Long before conventionally packaged marinades were available, oftentimes people would make them from leftover food scraps to make less-desirable cuts of meats tender, juicy and flavorful. When you make your own marinades, you also have the freedom to tailor them…  Read More

Produce at Its Peak: Stone Fruit

Stone fruit season has begun! When we talk about stone fruit, we are talking about peaches, nectarines, plums, pluots, apricots, and cherries. The name “stone fruit” comes from the stone-like seeds inside. These varieties peak from June-September and the harvest spans warm climate regions. About a month ago we welcomed the first yellow peaches from…  Read More

Produce at Its Peak: Stone Fruit

Stone fruit season has begun! When we talk about stone fruit, we are talking about peaches, nectarines, plums, pluots, apricots, and cherries. The name “stone fruit” comes from the stone-like seeds inside. These varieties peak from June-September and the harvest spans warm climate regions. About a month ago we welcomed the first yellow peaches from…  Read More

Produce At Its Peak: Citrus and Avocado

When we began discussing a fair trade avocado program with Equal Exchange, we were told that not only were the avocados organically grown by PRAGOR, a small, farmer-owned cooperative–therefore P6– they were supposedly more delicious than other organic avocados on the market from both California and Mexico. Satisfying our values and our palettes is something…  Read More

Produce at Its Peak: Beets and Blood Oranges

Blood Oranges and Beets There are a few fruits that I look forward to all year and when they are finally in season, I eat as much of them as I can as often as possible. Not only eaten out of hand, but added to dishes sweet and savory alike. In the winter, during citrus…  Read More

Produce At Its Peak: Turnips and Rutabaga

People often joke about how much Minnesotans like to talk about the weather. When it comes to produce, however, weather is not just small talk–for the most part, it is the reason we have or do not have produce to sell. This is true locally – a late frost in spring can wipe out an…  Read More

Natural Egg-dying Demo At Seward

This Saturday, March 28, we’ll be showing you how to make natural dyes for eggs at Seward Co-op. Pop by the store any time from 1-4 p.m. and see how to make great dyes from onion skins, coffee, turmeric, and tea! We’ll have a recipe for natural egg-dyes in the recipe rack by the Customer…  Read More

Produce at Its Peak: Ginger and Friends

Fresh Turmeric from Kolo Kai in the Produce Department (January 27th). Growing up, the only ginger I knew came in powdered form and was most often added in modest amounts to batters for cookies and cakes. Now, decades later, ginger – fresh ginger – has become a staple ingredient in my kitchen. Indigenous to southern…  Read More

Produce at its Peak: Seasons Turning

For the most part, I adore living in a seasonal landscape. Still as I cycled to work this morning pushing against a truly Arctic wind, I felt defiantly not ready for the weather to change. One of our flower farmers dropped off buckets of celosia (cockscomb) and asclepia (Oscar) earlier in the week and he…  Read More