Search Results
Tabitha Montgomery
Tabitha Montgomery Nonprofit Executive Director I am well when I serve. Service brings me in contact with new people, places, and ideas. Just the other day, a previous board member of an organization where I serve hung out their car window as I was outside my office and yelled my name to say hello. That…
Corey Lahm
Corey Lahm Self-Employed I’m motivated to run for Seward Co-op’s Board of Directors because I think that the Co-op is and can be a great part of the supportive network that supports the community. I have owned and operated several companies as well as serving on the board of a day shelter for unhoused people…
Karah Barr
Karah Barr Communication Consultant My motivation to run for Seward Co-op’s Board of Directors stems from a passion for cooperatives and a desire to leverage my marketing and communications expertise to enhance owner engagement, strategic growth, and organizational impact. Seward Co-op is a reliable place I know I can go to see a friendly face,…
Elizabeth Liddiard Wozniak
Elizabeth Liddiard Wozniak Self-Employed What brought me to co-ops is simple; clean, sustainable food. I am an owner and member, and have spent the majority of my food budget at Seward for more than 30 years. I’ve previously served the Co-op as an employee, and I’m prepared to serve in a new capacity. Money spent…
Seward-Made Sausage Menu
Review ingredients and tasting notes by clicking on each sausage variety below. **Note** Some sausages may have a casing from a different animal than the sausage itself is made from (e.g. chicken sausages with hog casings).
Seward ToGo
Community Room Reservations
Our community room/classroom spaces are available for reservation by any organized community group, non-profit, or neighborhood association. We do not allow reservations for personal business or personal events. We are able to provide meeting space only. We are unable to allow outside groups to utilize our kitchen or cooking equipment. Reservations are free — we…
Celebrate the Harvest Season
Harvest season is upon us, and with it comes a time for gathering together to connect with loved ones and community members. Harvest Celebrations, in particular, are a great way to celebrate the diversity within our community and learn about cultures and different rituals. Whether we take this time to pay tribute to ancestors or…
Fartun Weli
Fartun Weli CEO – Isuroon I am an independent thinker and an activist for the common good. I am allergic to racism, so I am an advocate for radical change. I have been described as a compassionate matriarch, a fearless leader, and a change-maker, who is relentless in my advocacy for the well-being of women…