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Searched for: 874

Yogi Echinacea Tea Recall

Yogi Tea is recalling its Echinacea tea. The source of the Echinacea ingredient used in its Echinacea Immune Support tea may not meet the Yogi Tea’s quality standards. Seward Co-op may have sold this at both stores between December 30, 2023 and today. Recalled product was removed from shelves and back stock. If you purchased…

A graphic for the 2023 Annual Owner Meeting, Tuesday, October 24, 2023 from 6-7:30 pm

2023 Seward Co-op Annual Owner Meeting: Reconnecting in Community

Here at Seward Co-op, we look forward to gathering to celebrate another year of cooperation, community building, and successes at our Annual Owner Meeting. While the COVID-19 pandemic and an uprising stirred the community, we rose together–virtually—for the last three years, and held each other up through change and upheaval. We emerge now, stronger than…

Get Growing with Local Seeds

Spring is just around the corner! Many spend the dark, cold parts of winter thinking of all things growing, living, and green, and planning gardens. Whether you’re propagating seeds, signing up for a CSA, planning to purchase starter plants at the co-op in the coming months, or buying fruits and veggies from Community Foods producers,…

a steak, eggs, and cheese

CSA Fair Meat, Eggs, and Cheese

Enjoy fresh meat, eggs, and cheese from local farms participating in our CSA Fair. The following CSAs are currently offering meat, egg, and/or cheese shares for this year’s CSAs. 2024 IN-PERSON EVENT DETAILS