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Searched for: 974

Easy Seed Planting

Growing seeds is a simple and fun activity for kids, providing a hands-on opportunity to witness the magical journey from tiny seeds to flourishing plants. It also imparts valuable lessons about responsibility, patience, and the wonders of nature. Try this Microgreens activity and plant calendula seeds, which grow into beautiful yellow- and orange-hued flowers. Check…

Plant illustrations with text reading "Seward Co-op Growing Guide"

From Seeds to Starters: The Seward Co-op Growing Guide

Spring is in the air, and gardening season is just around the corner. With seed packets in stores and starter plants arriving in early May, there are dozens of veggie, fruit, flower, and herb options for you to bring your own personalized plot to life. Whether you’re new to gardening or have more than a…

A person smiling and standing in front of shelves full of cheese wheels

Cosmic Wheel Creamery

Cosmic Wheel Creamery Clear Lake, WI CSA Type: Cheese Add-on Since 2015, Cosmic Wheel Creamery has lived on Turnip Rock Farm in Clear Lake, Wisc., where they milk 9-12 cows seasonally, spring to fall. Their cows are rotationally grazed on 60 carbon-sequestering acres of perennial pastures. They then turn all that seasonal grass milk into…

Wellness in Nature, Wellness After Nature

Fall is a perfect season to get outdoors. Summer temperatures have cooled off, leaves begin turning bright oranges, yellows, and reds, and crisp air nurtures all the harvest foods that in turn nurture our bodies. Being in nature has been linked to a number of health benefits, from reduced stress to improved mood, and even…